Showing Up Whole
Welcome to Showing Up Whole!
If you’re tired of constantly trying to figure out how to integrate spirituality, self-care, and mindful living into your busy life, only to feel like you’re getting nowhere—you’re in the right place. This podcast is all about helping you align your mind, body, heart, and spirit so you can show up whole in your everyday life—without feeling like you’re running a three-ring circus.
Hosted by Christina Fletcher, you’ll receive practical tools for conscious living, spirituality, and mindfulness. With lighthearted stories, insightful learning moments, and powerful interviews featuring leading experts in mindfulness, spirituality, mindset, and practical magic, this show offers inspiration and guidance for your spiritual and human journey.
Thank you for being here - Let’s align and make the world a better place together.
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Showing Up Whole
Embracing Flow and Alignment, even when you don't want to!
Showing Up Whole returns!
Through an unexpected break from the podcast, I discovered that aligning to the seasonal rythmns, might have been frustrating, but led me to a much needed period of stillness—a time to listen, learn, and let go.
This episode is a candid exploration of personal setbacks that, upon deeper reflection, revealed themselves as rich lessons in disguise. .
But how do you know what is going with the flow, and what is actually resistance to wellbeing?
Join me as I dive into that very issue, offering you a map to going within yourself, so you can hear your inner callings, and release the fear of going with the flow, even if it's against the common tide!
We are talking about alignment! Flow comes with a deeper energy alignment within yourself... and while I mention the frequency of wellbeing as discussed with members of the Energy Reset Circle, my membership program, I also want to share with you my exciting new QUIZ!
These are loud and chaotic times. In order to find flow you need to fast track to aligning to your highest self.
Now, that doesn't mean skipping steps, but it does mean not wasting time on practices that won't serve you where you are.
Check out the Energy Alignment Quiz here, to find out which Energetic World (Mind, Body, Heart or Spirit) you need to have alignment in, so you can use the tools that work and not get lost in the bushes.
Christina Fletcher is a Spiritual Alignment coach, energy worker, author, speaker and host of the podcast Showing Up Whole.
She specialises in practical spirituality and integrating inner work with outer living, so you can get self development off of the hobby shelf and integrated as a powerful fuel to your life.
Through mindset, spiritual connection, intuitive guidance, manifestation, and mindfulness techniques Christina helps her clients overcome overwhelm and shame to find a place of flow, ease, and deep heart-centered connection.
Christina has been a spiritual alignment coach, healer and spiritually aware parent coach for 7 years and trained in Therapeutic Touch 8 years ago. She is also a meditation teacher and speaker.
For more information please visit her website www.spirituallyawareliving.com
Want to uncover where you need the most energy alignment?
Take her new Energy Alignment Quiz to identify which of your energetic worlds (mind, body, heart or spirit) needs aligning the most!
Or Follow her on her social media accounts:
Hi and welcome back to Showing Up Whole the place where we discuss alignment in mind, body, heart and spirit for every aspect of your life. I'm your host, christina Fletcher, and it is a joy to be back with you again Today. I want to talk a little bit about listening to the flow, even if it goes against what you truly want. It's been a while since I've recorded a podcast and there's been a number of different reasons why that's been the case, and I have to say there's been a number of times that I felt like pushing through and forcing this podcast to happen. It's led to a deeper reflection on finding flow, aligning to what is and what can be and giving myself the space for growth. So welcome to the show and let's dive in. Hi, it has been a while. Oh, my goodness gracious.
Christina Fletcher:I never expected for the little hiatus that happened during my move down to Somerset here in the UK to stall the show as for so long as it did. It was this interesting exploration as one thing stacked on top of another, from the move to us not getting our studio space set up to the holiday season, to then, all of a sudden, even about three weeks ago, I sat and recorded an episode which I thought went rather well, and instead I had tech issues. It was literally like the entire universe was conspiring to say not yet, christina. And as I was sitting reflecting the other day on the Festival of Imbulak and the fact that here we are in this season of creation, the season of hibernation that moves into this space of hope and creation of what's to be, I suddenly realized that that's precisely where I've been for the last few months. You know, as I progress in my journey on this planet, I find that acknowledging the seasons is such a vitally grounding experience. It helps you focus and trust the process of your own development. So while I was processing a number of new chapters, that kind of arose last year when I suddenly found myself in this new up-leveling space. The universe did very well to plant me somewhere in this pause as we approached winter. It meant that suddenly there was a sense of hibernation. And now here I am all being going well with this recording. We are embarking on a new season.
Christina Fletcher:It's interesting because I will say there was a number of times that I wanted to push through so badly. I would have ideas of what I wanted to share with you. I would have different conversations. I would see guests that I really wanted to speak with and either because of equipment not working or not being set up, or also just this inner sense of it not being the time, it just couldn't happen. I could have forced it, I could have pushed through, I could have said no, this is what I want. Maybe this is just resistance, and yet I knew deep down that it wasn't supposed to be that way. So I wanted to dive into that a little bit today.
Christina Fletcher:Let's just look at how do you know the difference? How do you know when something is resistance and how do you know when it's actually in flow? How do you know when to trust that alignment and how do you know if it's actually being out of alignment? And actually, let's just look at that even a little bit further. What's alignment? What's flow?
Christina Fletcher:So, if you find that space where you tap into flow, what that truly means is that, the flow of the universal force, that energetic field that is always accessible. If you consider that, like as you've heard me say, I see the spiritual energy like electricity that flows through the walls, if you see that electric current flowing to you and that electric current is well-being and love and light and so much universal well-being that flows to you. It's what you came from. If you see that as electricity flowing through the walls and flowing directly to you, alignment is allowing that energy in. It flows to the top of your head and your job is to align to it. It's allowing that flow to work through all of your energetic worlds your mental world, your spiritual world, your emotional world, your physical world. It's allowing it to flow through, like one of those wonderful water fountains that flow through the different layers, or one of those different bubble things that your kids used to play with, allowing the bubbles to glide down. You're allowing the flow of love and light and the universal power in. And as you're allowing that flow in, you're letting your truest essence in.
Christina Fletcher:Resistance is the opposite to that. Resistance is based in fear. Resistance is based in panic. Resistance is when you are out of alignment and you're pushing and you feel it's all down to you to get where you want to go. It's not letting the loving support of the universe in. Instead, it's telling the universe I don't trust you. I need to take care of this. So if you're looking at situations and wondering if something is resistance or flow.
Christina Fletcher:It's really important to actually put the whole decision-making process or analyzing to one side and first focus on your own alignment, find the space of getting grounded and that can take mere seconds if you're used to doing it and, on your feet, allowing the energy to flow all the way through you, and then from there you allow and notice what is out of alignment. Where do you need to create more flow? Sometimes this can be a physical structure thing. Sometimes you go my nervous system is well and truly out of balance and then you just do some deep breaths. Sometimes it's a question of going who. I've actually holding a fair amount of resentment around some things. Right now, my heart's literally containing energy and that flow can't flow through. Perhaps you're grieving and I don't just mean grieving around a person, which by all means is a path that sometimes you have to walk, but you can also grieve times in your life. So perhaps you need to give space for the grief and you set a decision aside until you know you've processed that. Perhaps you have a lot of negative chatter happening and your mental, energetic world is just a little out of whack. So there for then you shift and you find the stories that feel better in order to allow the flow in.
Christina Fletcher:Something that's fascinating to me and and I've been observing this for a while as we make such a big deal about being out of alignment, it's such a, it's such an interesting thing how we forget that we're human. You're human. You actually came into this physical reality to get out of alignment. Think about that. You came to this physical reality to get out of alignment. As spirit, you are in alignment. You might not be in physical alignment because you're not in human body, but you are in alignment to your highest self. You are pure energy. So therefore, you know nothing other than that. When you come into physical reality, therefore, then you want to experience what out of alignment feels like. So then you have the information to know what alignment feels like. You know what alignment feels like, and you know it by that glorious feeling of relief, of joy, of ease, of contentment, of bliss, of happiness, of awe, and so you know those feelings by listening. And yet you can't force yourself there. Rather, you have to realign to allowing the flow in so you feel connected to that energetic source that's you.
Christina Fletcher:There's a lot to digest in all of what I'm just saying, but I think it's important to just focus on the fact that if you are wanting more flow in your life, the key within this is always to first plug in to your universal source. You can't push your way there Now. Sometimes people might say to me yeah, but what does that even mean? Push your way there, like, like, if you're out of alignment and you need to find flow, then don't you just go and you need to find that connection, and sometimes you have to push through the resistance and you have to make sure that you find it. I have found that the number one indicator of maybe not being quite on the right track in finding alignment and this is actually something that I've made myself a deep promise and I knock on wood, I don't get. I don't build resistance to this promise because I'm saying it now the energy of panic will always keep you in a space of resistance.
Christina Fletcher:The feeling of panic like it's in a rush. If you imagine that flow of the universe flowing down to the top of your head and as it flows, it flows down through your head, down through your throat, down to your heart, down through your stomach, down through your sacral chakra and down through your root and through your legs and down to your feet and out into the ground. If you imagine that beautiful flow, you can't speed it up, you can't rush it. Oh, where attention goes, energy flows. You can focus on your feet and the flow finds it there. You don't doesn't need to take a long time Time is this interesting, wobbly, wobbly thing? If anybody watches Dr who. It's this interesting space where, where sometimes we actually save time by going slow. If you find yourself in a panic, you're pushing well-being away. It's a powerful time and the way things have been just isn't working anymore.
Christina Fletcher:If you've been feeling disjointed, overwhelmed or scattered, you're not alone. Many are feeling that there's a feeling of needing more, something's missing. What this feeling tells you is that it's time to claim your inner self and step away from the stories you've been taught to follow. It's time to listen to your heart, to heal your hurts and learn to lean into the universe. Having your back, it's time to take all of that self-help book knowledge and embody it, assimilate it and make it your own.
Christina Fletcher:I'm Christina Fletcher and, as a spiritual alignment coach at Energy Healer, I can help you take spirituality off of the hobby shelf and into your everyday, sometimes messy life so you can truly show up whole Through coaching, courses, books and more. I make sure you have practical tools to support you through these challenging times. To learn more, check out my website spirituallyawarelivingcom, where you'll find information on how I work, as well as a free guide to releasing the beliefs that have been holding you back. I look forward to connecting with you, love and light. If you find yourself rushing to find connection, you're pushing it away. Well-being is a glorious, wonderful, juicy feeling of present moment, warmth. It feels grounded and solid.
Christina Fletcher:You know, over in my membership program, the energy reset circle we have started just this past month. I would have told you about this if my podcast was working. This last month we have started. We started January first week in Jan we started with a few new themes. So every week we do a different theme and the themes repeat every month. So once a month I'm offering a frequency training, and I mention this because for our first frequency training, which took place a couple of weeks ago, the replay is now in the membership portal so it's accessible all the time.
Christina Fletcher:But what we did was we created the frequency of well-being, how it felt. We called it in as a download. So then members were able or are able, that any time they hear, think, the word well-being, they can feel it in their bones and feel it in their core and feel it in their. We discovered that really it resides deeply in your solar plexus as that fueling fire. Well-being is a frequency and it really is the opposite of panic. Now we live in a loud world. In fact, we live in a very scared and panicky world. We live in a world where if you saw it on a sound wave or if you saw it on a graph, it'd be all spiky numerous times, especially now. So within that, you either have a choice to jump in to that space which will resonate within you as panicky or heightened, or fast or frazzled, or set your own frequency place, and sometimes that can feel counterintuitive.
Christina Fletcher:It's a question of tapping into well-being and putting aligning to flow as your number one priority. And some people might say, wow, that's so selfish to only focus on your own alignment. But it's vital because it's not just about your own well-being, because if you're not filling your well and we've all gotten used to hearing that sentence but if you're not taking care of your own well-being and allowing yourself to feel whole in yourself, you can't be a lighthouse, a support, a guidance, or, in this chaotic world, you have nothing to give unless you actually are receiving it yourself, and receiving it from the universe, and receiving it even from yourself. You have to give yourself the space, even if it's a minute in the morning and a minute at night, even if it's small moments through the day, even if it's your car ride to work, even if it's whatever it is, even if it's 30 seconds before you open that car door, before your feet land on the pavement or before your legs swing over out of bed. Whatever it is, it's vitally important to give yourself that moment of intending to align to the flow of life. It's literally the difference of running on a full tank of gas, running your car in a full tank of gas, or running on empty, or running on clean fuel versus dirty fuel. You cannot self-generate well-being.
Christina Fletcher:So back to finding flow. How do you find flow and how do you make decisions and how do you lean into what is aligned and not aligned? And how do you find whether you're supposed to do your podcast at the moment or not? You ground, you plug in and you align your energetic worlds. You find that energy alignment within yourself and you let the love in. And then, when you're in that aligned space, you bring back the decision-making and you present, for instance, recording a podcast, to the universe or to your aligned state of being and you say which one feels lighter, which one feels heavy, which one feels settled within me, settled within me, but it's totally in flow with my best self, and then you go with that. You know it's so funny because when I first started talking law of attraction, I would talk to people and they'd be like but you can't just do what feels good Sometimes, you have to do what doesn't feel good because it's the right thing to do. And here's the thing I love doing this podcast. I love talking with you. It was it pained me by having people come to write me and be like Christina, where's your podcast, where's your podcast, and me having to say I'm sorry, it's not the right time.
Christina Fletcher:There's a difference between an ego feeling good or oh, this is fun and this is like, this is so exciting and that type of feeling good to a settled, aligned feeling good. It doesn't feel good to go against flow. It doesn't feel good to push through resistance, quote, unquote, without plugging into the universe and allowing that to be your resource when you notice that you want to do something. And it becomes hard when you notice that you want to do something and it becomes difficult of and doesn't flow quote to use that word and doesn't flow If it doesn't click together, well, if it doesn't synchronize, then please take my advice take a step back. It doesn't mean that you don't do it. It means that you take a step back and you realign. You realign to your highest self, to your spiritual source, however you perceive that to be, and you let it in.
Christina Fletcher:And then sometimes you have to be really, really brave and you have to take that process and say, okay, this isn't working, what do I do? And you then listen to what feels lighter and what feels in flow and you allow the decision to align to that flow. There's nothing better than when you're a little nervous about what not being having flow in a situation means and you present it to the universe, going oh no, oh no, oh no, it's not going to work out, I'm not going to be able to do what I want to do because it's not aligned, and yada, yada. And then you get grounded away from panic and you connect to love and you present it and suddenly something else clicks and you go, oh, I was just seeing it from a different angle. Or oh, I was just missing a little piece. Or oh, now I get it. I was in the wrong frequency for it. Now I'm in the frequency of what it is Now. This can flow easily. It doesn't need to be hard, and if something's not in flow it doesn't mean you're not doing it. I could have been like the podcast isn't in flow anymore, I'll never do it again and close the show. Or I could be like, hmm, let's see, I'll realign, I'll deeply connect and in that new energy alignment and up level, I'll see what happens.
Christina Fletcher:This is a time of year of getting curious. Give yourself permission to flow and align. Ooh, and before I forget, speaking of energy alignment, I've got something kind of fun. So over the last six months or so, my assistant and I have been hard at work creating a quiz, and the quiz is all focused on energy alignment and uncovering where you need to align the most. Because what I have found in the years of my work is that if you are out of alignment in, say, your spiritual energy world and you just can't manifest, your manifestations just aren't clicking into place and you're just feeling kind of isolated and like it's all down to you and it just feels like you just feel kind of heavy and disconnected from the universe.
Christina Fletcher:Then if you go and do, say, mental focuses or practice deep senses, mindfulness, that are for focus or for ending head chatter or any of those mental alignment practices, then you won't feel the ping, as I call it, you won't feel a shift, whereas if you instead work on your sense of faith and deep connection and if you allow that flow in and focus on having that faith and fun of that flow, so that you spiritually align, you align your spiritual, energetic world, then that's when you get the benefit. Same, too, if you're working on your nervous system, or you need to work on your nervous system, like your physical alignment, so you can feel safe, you can't manifest if you still have to feel safe in your physical alignment world, if you need to take care of your nervous system. So these worlds need to individually align so the energy can flow through them and usually, often it's just one that's out of alignment, that when you find alignment to that one, the rest start cascading into one another. So we created a quiz and the quiz goes through a few simple questions and then the result is the world that you need to align the most, and then you can download a PDF that will tell you all about that energetic world and how alignment works within that and how unalignment works within that. Anyway, it's quite the treat, so I'm going to post the link down in comments or in the show notes, but also you can find it over at spirituallyawarelivingcom backslash quiz and jump on in. If you want to share your result, please do feel free to share it over at social media. On social media you can always tag me at spiritually aware living and you know, just just keep this in flow.
Christina Fletcher:There's Everyone experiences Unalignment in one of their worlds a lot of the time. Everyone needs to realign. This is what the human life experience is all about. There's no shame in saying I actually really needed to align my physical energetic world. I would say that this winter I have likely been refocusing a lot of my emotional energetic world as as I had to up level and release some extra things. If the human experience knowing where you need to realign is the key and just doing the steps to take you there, so then you can really find flow and then things move forward again.
Christina Fletcher:It was lovely to be back with you, and I will be coming in more regularly, I can promise you. I still have some phenomenal Interviews waiting to be shared with you, some of them almost a year old, which is just ridiculous at this point in time, and I do apologize to all of my guests, but I have those to share with you and I will be sharing those over the next few months, and I will also be coming in with a lot of different insights and information for you to try out. And all of this, remember this is the season of, of tapping in, being curious and finding flow, and so may it find you well. Sending all my love Bye now. You.