Showing Up Whole
Welcome to Showing Up Whole!
If you’re tired of constantly trying to figure out how to integrate spirituality, self-care, and mindful living into your busy life, only to feel like you’re getting nowhere—you’re in the right place. This podcast is all about helping you align your mind, body, heart, and spirit so you can show up whole in your everyday life—without feeling like you’re running a three-ring circus.
Hosted by Christina Fletcher, you’ll receive practical tools for conscious living, spirituality, and mindfulness. With lighthearted stories, insightful learning moments, and powerful interviews featuring leading experts in mindfulness, spirituality, mindset, and practical magic, this show offers inspiration and guidance for your spiritual and human journey.
Thank you for being here - Let’s align and make the world a better place together.
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Showing Up Whole
Equinox, Full Moons, Eclipses: A Journey to Self-Alignment and Personal Expansion
Discover the transformative power of celestial events as we guide you through a journey of self-alignment and personal growth, a topic both timeless and timely.
With the equinox, full moon, and eclipse season upon us, brace yourself for insights on how these astronomical milestones can signify a catalyst for profound change and provide some fuel to releasewhat we've outgrown to the potential that awaits.
We'll reveal the art of embracing expansion when you might feel easier to contract, and how tuning into this natural rhythm of the universe can illuminate the path to your truest self.
This episode is your map to navigating the four energetic worlds of your self, to fully align to your new chapter, traversing from the grounding physical to the transcendent spiritual.
Feel anchored as Christina discuss practical strategies to stabilize your nervous system and find balance amidst the shifts.
Then, flow into emotional release with tools like ho'oponopono and targeted yoga practices, liberating your heart and throat chakras for clearer communication and connection.
Moving into the Mental Energetic world, Christina explores the stories we tell ourselves, realigning mental energy to foster clarity and purpose. And, with a nudge toward the spiritual, learn to open yourself to the universal guidance that's waiting to be received.
Join Christina for a holistic approach to releasing limiting patterns, as she offers insight into how to embrace an aligned and expansive new chapter of life.
Christina Fletcher is a Spiritual Alignment coach, energy worker, author, speaker and host of the podcast Showing Up Whole.
She specialises in practical spirituality and integrating inner work with outer living, so you can get self development off of the hobby shelf and integrated as a powerful fuel to your life.
Through mindset, spiritual connection, intuitive guidance, manifestation, and mindfulness techniques Christina helps her clients overcome overwhelm and shame to find a place of flow, ease, and deep heart-centered connection.
Christina has been a spiritual alignment coach, healer and spiritually aware parent coach for 7 years and trained in Therapeutic Touch 8 years ago. She is also a meditation teacher and speaker.
For more information please visit her website www.spirituallyawareliving.com
Want to uncover where you need the most energy alignment?
Take her new Energy Alignment Quiz to identify which of your energetic worlds (mind, body, heart or spirit) needs aligning the most!
Or Follow her on her social media accounts:
Hi and welcome back to showing up whole the place where we discuss alignment in mind, body, heart and spirit, in every aspect of our lives. Well, today we're discussing the equinoxes coming up, a little bit about the full moon coming up, a little bit of eclipse, but mainly I want to discuss how, no matter what you're hearing about all the different events happening out in the world, this is a time of alignment. It's a time of embracing transitions and embracing the growth that you are embarking on. So let's release the old and embark on the new. This is a powerful season. Here in the northern hemisphere, we are looking at the spring equinox, the time where we are really transitioning into the new season of Brilliant summer. Of course, over in the southern hemisphere, you're facing the autumn equinox, a time of heading into winter. But no matter what, the powerful thing about an equinox season which is happening on Wednesday, it it really does a Trigger the sense of transition. It's a time of Equality between one season and the next. It is that space where you are Observing yourself, to ask yourself what you are leaving behind and what you are embarking on. This is the chapter churner. This is the time of turning that page, of saying what is over and Asking yourself what you're aligning to. It's an exciting time, of course, we're also throwing in a full moon and an eclipse of an eclipse season which, for any of you in North America, is actually going to be an incredibly powerful eclipse season, and so, therefore, then, it is a time of asking of what you're aligning to. This is also the time where there's a lot of head traffic, a lot of noise coming outside of you, um, attempting to grab your attention. It's in a time of captured attention, if you will. And so, therefore, then, what it all comes back to is how do you Refocus on your own inner alignment Rather than getting all caught up into the swirling storms of cosmic collective Weather? So let's look at that a little bit.
Speaker 1:Um, energy is energy and you are an energetic being, and it is all flowing to you, and as you're leaning into this next chapter, I want to invite you to see this as expansion over in the energy reset circle, my membership program, we've taken up doing a, a frequency Download, as you were, as it will, a download of an energy every fourth, third, sunday, and we, basically, I present a Vibration, a frequency state that then everyone can take part in and we explore what that frequency feels like and then it's assimilated for everyone in the membership. This week we explored the frequency of expansion because it was such an important energy to bring, bringing in to this coming season. Why expansion? Because expansion signifies the growth that you are embarking on To. To amplify this, I want you to see this as Expansion versus its opposite, and its opposite is always contraction.
Speaker 1:So if you imagine the expansion of yourself, you as an energetic being, you Flowing out with, gathering new experiences, gathering new observations, gathering new information, continually growing and expanding, your energy is Continually beaming out from you. So there's a stretching motion now within that. Your brain, your, your lovely neural pathways, which like to keep things the same, your, your sense of Normality, your sense of routine, your sense of, of, even ego, of who you are in this life, then has a tendency to want to contract it. It feels this push and pull of the expansion is exciting, but it feels unsafe. So therefore, there is a tendency as humans that we, we hold on to energy, we bring it back, we contract it in within itself.
Speaker 1:Then there's a season of growth and and when you step into your up-leveled self, say your expanded self, that new version of you. You feel yourself, become freer. You feel the the stretching, the spreading. It's like stretching and spreading and unfurling your energetic wings. This is what the season is all about. This is a season of unfurling. It's a time of aligning within yourself so that you know yourself in your full capacity and you start to accept and assimilate all the changes that have been. This is a new chapter. It's an expansion. So what does that mean for you? Well, it means that what's actually vitally important to do is to embrace the expansion and observe the contraction. Embrace the expansion and observe the contraction. How do you observe the contraction? Well, it starts with the simple thing of observing when you're feeling off. It's a question of observing when you feel like you're holding on. When, all of a sudden, you feel like you're holding on to yourself, hold back.
Speaker 1:It's a fascinating thing to learn your own indicators of contraction. There's little personal things. For instance, if I'm in a state of contraction, if I am hesitating in my expansion, then what I tend to do is I scroll more more, I procrastinate more, I get unclear of my focuses of the week or what I need to be doing. I get a little bombarded by different information. I get easily overwhelmed. I just kind of feel myself withdrawal Physically. In contraction my shoulders will get tense, my lower back get a little tense, my digestion goes a little off. I've noticed over the years that when I'm in a contracted state, when I'm resisting my own growth, physical discomforts actually will partner up with different patterns and habits and mental chatter.
Speaker 1:It's always good to acknowledge the indicators that come up with states of contraction, because when you start to get to know your indicators of contraction, or we could also say your indicators of being unaligned, then suddenly you have something to launch you into expansion or you have something to work with. It's a little bit like when you're driving and your gas gauge starts flashing red. You know you need to fill up. Well, negative emotion can do that, stress can be that. But also there's so many different little indicators that you personally might find that are there to give you that nudge to say, hey, you're contracting from your life flow. It's time to expand and let more in. So this is a lifelong journey, isn't it? As you find that little things will come up and you have to get into the habit of asking yourself is this a new indicator of me being contracting? Is this an indicator of my unalignment to my greatest self, and from there then it becomes a question of figuring out where that's coming from.
Speaker 1:The other day I was feeling a little off. I was just having a really rough off day. Things just weren't flowing. A positive indicator of things being in flow for me when I'm expanding is synchronicities just line up. Everything just tends to fall into place, and as long as I'm focusing on expansion rather than contraction, then things usually tend to just happen. And so, therefore, then the other day I was feeling like things just weren't in flow. They weren't feeling the way I wanted to feel, they weren't resonating. It felt clunky and I was noticing I was starting to get a little more stressed and I was feeling a little bit off. My shoulders were bothering me, my digestion was a little like meh and I thought, okay, I need to find my way back into expansion, find my way to alignment.
Speaker 1:My very favorite way of doing this is a very simple practice I go into the shower and then I start checking out my four energetic worlds of myself to see where I am out of alignment. Because if I don't have a process, what I find is I'll go oh, I'm contracting, or oh I'm out of alignment, or oh I'm out of flow or oh I'm disconnected at any of those terms that you resonate with. And so then I find that and then my head loves to jump on in. My head goes oh well, maybe it's this or maybe it's that, maybe it's this person's fault, maybe it's because you got stressed of this, and sooner or later I end up down a mental rabbit hole where I'm only focusing on what's not working and by the time I find my way out of it, I'm still contracting, still unaligned, and I basically just need a nap, just exhausting. So it does come in handy to have some simple practices to really focus in on, to explore where you need alignment.
Speaker 1:It's a powerful time and the way things have been just isn't working anymore. If you've been feeling disjointed, overwhelmed or scattered, you're not alone. Many are feeling that there's a feeling of needing more Things missing. What this feeling tells you is that it's time to claim your inner self and step away from the stories you've been taught to follow. It's time to listen to your heart, to heal your hurts and learn to lean into the universe having your back. It's time to take all of that self-help book knowledge and embody it, assimilate it and make it your own.
Speaker 1:I'm Christina Fletcher and as a spiritual alignment coach at Energy Healer, I can help you take spirituality off of the hobby shelf and into your everyday, sometimes messy life so you can truly show up whole. Through coaching, courses, books and more, I make sure you have practical tools to support you through these challenging times. To learn more, check out my website SpirituallyAwareLivingcom, where you'll find information on how I work, as well as a free guide to releasing the beliefs that have been holding you back. I look forward to connecting with you. Love and light. So this is what I do.
Speaker 1:So I'm in the shower and I start checking in what energetic world is out of alignment. I start with my physical energetic world and I check out my nervous system. Because I always start with my physical energetic world? Because if your nervous system is out of whack, if you're not feeling grounded, if you're not feeling present in yourself, then on a physical level, if you're not showing up as who you want to be, then immediately everything else is discombobulated. You can't realign your emotional energetic world if your physical energetic world is out of sync. So I check in my nervous system. Am I feeling safe? Am I feeling grounded? How's my digestion going? Am I blocked up? Am I feeling nauseous or butterfly-y? Am I feeling anxious at all? What? How's my physical energetic world? And this isn't a time of oh, this is out, or this is out. I need to fix this really fast. It's just a question of observing how I'm feeling and just making a quick observation. I can check to see if I am breathing steadily, if I am feeling grounded and rooted, if my energy is traveling all the way down to my feet, or if I'm feeling unsafe physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually unsafe, if I just feel a little on edge, then it's an immediate physical energetic world. Go to.
Speaker 1:So then, if I find that my physical energetic world is steady which the other day that's where I was at, so actually physical energetic world is okay, then you move up to your emotional energetic world and you check to see how you're feeling in your heart and in your throat chakra. That was when I checked my upper back, I checked my shoulders, I checked my jaw, I checked to see if I was pursing my lips and if I was holding something back. I put my hand on my heart and I asked my heart if I was holding on to any emotion, any resentment, any upset, any frustrations? Did I have any energetic cords that needed to be cleared out? Did I have anything that I was holding back from or anything that I was scared of feeling? Was it affecting my breathing? That's always a big sign for your emotional energetic world if you're holding on to your breath.
Speaker 1:Then, after that, I moved up again to my mental energetic world. I checked out my mental energetic world of what were my stories? What was in my head? What was I fixating on? Was I feeling any tension in my forehead? Was I furrowing my brow? Was I having any headaches or any tension there? Where was my mental energetic world? Where was my mental energy being spent? And then, last but definitely not least, I checked my spiritual energetic world and I just checked to see. Am I letting it in? Am I letting the spiritual energetic flow from the universe, the love of my guides and my angels, and source energy? Am I letting it in? Am I feeling that sense of the universe having my back so that all feels in flow Again?
Speaker 1:It's a simple process of looking through your energetic worlds to see where you're at. It's listening to the indicators first, seeing where you're out of sync, seeing what's coming up, whether you're in that state of contracting, whether you're holding onto things, and then asking where you're holding onto things and then asking, based on where you really feel you're out of alignment the most, then using things to actually help you with that. So I was feeling a lot of contraction in my emotional energetic world, so the other day. So therefore, then I pulled out some ho-op-no-no. I pulled out releasing work, I cleared chords, I give my heart some extra love, I released my energetic wings, I did some extra yoga, I released my emotional energetic space so that I could feel freely, did some journaling, wrote out anything that I was holding onto and I breathed, and then I felt fine, I could feel myself click back into place, and it's as simple as that.
Speaker 1:You know, no one is in a state of expansion all the time. The contraction is there as a human, no one is in alignment all the time. We unaligned because we're human. So therefore, then we acknowledge the alignment and we can realign. So what does that have to do with the equinox? What does that have to do with, you know, the season of the eclipse? Well, kind of everything, because the thing is that this is a season where we are really stepping into the new. Well, you can't step into the new energetic space, the new chapter, the new season, the new state of flow if you're in a state of contraction.
Speaker 1:So, over the next few weeks and you do really have a few weeks between two eclipses and the equinox, this is a season, this isn't oh, the eclipses on Wednesday. So get this done. This is a stretch this out. Give yourself a few weeks to really explore your alignment to your best self. So where does it begin? How do you, what do you need to do to release what was and to release the old chapter?
Speaker 1:And your brain might start nattering as you listen to this and say wait a second, release the old chapter. I can't. You know, I can't step away from my home, I can't step away from my family, I can't step away from my work, I can't step away from my city, I can't step away. But that's, this is not what we're talking about. The brain is really fantastic at finding any excuses of why something won't work when it keeps it back to where it was. So, rather, I want you to see the expansion, the growth, the realignment as, and the releasing of old chapters, as releasing old energetic patterns, of releasing burdens that you're carrying that doesn't belong to you, releasing stories that don't serve you, getting and letting go of beliefs that don't serve you, releasing roles that you aren't anymore.
Speaker 1:So much can be done with just a simple shift in mindset, and you don't even have to. You're not changing your job or changing your, your living situation. You can do so much just in a simple shift in your mind, in the stories that you tell yourself. You can shift so much in a release of of emotion or a processing of emotion that hasn't been processed. You can shift so much by simply grounding into yourself and feeling more in alignment, more safe, more stable in your physical world. Oh, my goodness, you can shift so much in in just letting in more spiritual energy, of tap, turning that tap on, of spiritual flow, just that little bit more. There's so many things that can help in this.
Speaker 1:The first step is to acknowledge and ask yourself whether you feel in contraction or expansion right now. How do you feel in this moment as you're listening to this? How do you feel? Do you feel resistant or do you feel accepting? Do you feel contracted or do you feel expanded? Do you feel tight or do you feel in flow, how do you feel? And if you find yourself saying, oh actually, christina, I don't feel aligned, I feel very contracted, I feel like I'm getting caught up in stuff, I feel a little overwhelmed, great, that's fantastic, well done.
Speaker 1:My business is called spiritually aware living, for the main reason is because the awareness is what's important here. It's not about being on an alignment, that's the important part. It's the awareness of where you're at, that's the important part. So you take the awareness and from the awareness we say where are you out of alignment? What aspect of your four worlds are you out of alignment in? And you can do the scan like I just talked about. You can ask your heart and just see if something comes up.
Speaker 1:At the same time, don't forget, one of the reasons why I made the quiz that I did over at spirituallyawarelivingcom backslash quiz was because that is a full process that you break down exactly where you are out of alignment at this current moment, how you're feeling, what your automatic thing is. It just asks you a few simple questions to explore whether what energetic world is out of alignment for you most prominently at this time. So you can go over, take the quiz and find out which energetic world needs the most nudging back into alignment. And then you take the steps. You listen to what that energetic world is asking of you and you open it up, you free it up, you expand it out. You find that flow, you let the love in, you realign and then in that realignment you find that you're letting go more of the old chapter and you're stepping more into the new.
Speaker 1:Give yourself permission to be okay with playing about the mud a little bit and maybe not being in as alignment as you want to be in this moment. That's okay. In fact it's brilliant, because if you are out of alignment now and you can acknowledge it, then you know what you're working with. And if you know where you need to realign, then even better, because then you can fine tune the tools. If you're in your mental energetic world and you know that that's where you need alignment, then you can start looking at your thoughts. You know that maybe certain meditations will work where others won't, because there's no point working on your nervous system if your thoughts are out of whack. Maybe you just need to release some beliefs. And if you know and find out that you're an emotional energetic world, you can do what I did Practice the whole panonah release some chords, let go of any trapped emotion. You can work through those steps, you can let the love flow.
Speaker 1:But trying to tackle all four worlds at once, kind of in this crapshoot way of trying to figure out where you need to realign in the next few weeks during this season and building all this panic up, feeling like you need to release contraction in order to expand, and then wondering so much where you need to release that that you end up contracting yourself, isn't going to serve you. In other words, take this time to go slow, to observe yourself, to get to know your indicators of where you're contracting and where you're expanding, where you're resisting and where you're aligning, and then, from there, take some time to learn the best ways of opening up those spaces. Expand, expand, expand, resonate with that beautiful sense of growth and expansion and flow that you came, as a spiritual being, to experience. And that is how you embrace an equinox, that's how you embrace an eclipse season, that's how you open wide to even a beautiful full moon. It's just releasing what's holding you back, releasing the old chapters and stepping into your greatest alignment. I really would love to hear your thoughts and, by all means, if you find that this is resonating really strongly with you, please share this episode with your social media. Tag me at SpirituallyWhereLiving and also please, if you enjoy it, leave a review over on one of the streaming platforms, because, honestly, these are important things we all need to start embodying. We need to normalize the idea that it's okay to be out of alignment. We need to normalize the idea that growth is uncomfortable sometimes, and yet we have to embrace the expansion of it. We need to learn how to align and use that as a way of observing our days rather than judging ourselves and holding ourselves back even more.
Speaker 1:If you are interested in taking the quiz, by all means. The link is down in the show notes. It's also over on my website, spirituallywherelivingcom backslash quiz. There's also a couple of courses on there for energy alignment. There's a course for each energetic world. If you are scrambling to figure out how to align the world you're looking at, if you figure out which one you have and you don't know what to do, and, of course, by all means, you can simply email me over at kristinetspirituallywhereLivingcom. Let's chat, let's connect. I'm here to support you in all the love and light that I have within me. Until the next time, talk to you soon, be equinox.