Showing Up Whole

Unveiling the Secrets of Energetic Alignment with Prune Harris

Christina Fletcher / Prune Harris Season 4 Episode 17

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In this enlightening episode, Christina sits down with Prune Harris, an extraordinary energy expert who has been able to see and understand energy since birth.  
This conversation delves into the delicate dance between self-awareness and collective consciousness, showing how our energy impacts not just ourselves, but the world around us.

Listeners will gain practical strategies for grounding, balancing, and aligning their energy, including the use of the heart's electromagnetic field to create harmony within. 

If you're looking for actionable advice to deepen your self-awareness, enhance your relationships, and stay grounded in a fast-paced world, this episode is packed with wisdom. Don’t miss Prune's profound take on co-creation, energetic flow, and living in alignment with your true self.

Tune in for:

  • Understanding the dynamic energy fields of emotions, thoughts, and relationships
  • How habitual patterns and creative emergence shape your life
  • The evolution of self-awareness and energetic rhythms through different life stages
  • Practical grounding techniques and tips for energetic alignment
  • The role of the heart’s electromagnetic field in personal balance
  • Insights on the internet and social media’s impact on our energy

This episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking to harness the power of energy alignment to live more authentically and thrive in all aspects of life.

An energy expert, consciousness educator, and soul activist, Prune Harris has trained with healers, elders, and wisdom holders and is certified in Touch For Health Kinesiology, Eden Energy Medicine, and Celtic and Norse Shamanism.
Through her in-person and online courses, and best-selling book ‘Your Radiant Soul - Transform Your Energy, Transform Your World’, Prune has empowered thousands of people across the globe to bring consciousness to their energy systems and make small yet powerful changes that elicit real change in their lives.
What Colour is Your Soul? - Free eBook, download link
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Christina Fletcher is a Spiritual Alignment coach, energy worker, author, speaker and host of the podcast Showing Up Whole.
She specialises in practical spirituality and integrating inner work with outer living, so you can get self development off of the hobby shelf and integrated as a powerful fuel to your life.

Through mindset, spiritual connection, intuitive guidance, manifestation, and mindfulness techniques Christina helps her clients overcome overwhelm and shame to find a place of flow, ease, and deep heart-centered connection.
Christina has been a spiritual alignment coach, healer and spiritually aware parent coach for 7 years and trained in Therapeutic Touch 8 years ago. She is also a meditation teacher and speaker.
For more information please visit her website

Want to uncover where you need the most energy alignment?
Take her new Energy Alignment Quiz to identify which of your energetic worlds (mind, body, heart or spirit) needs aligning the most!

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Christina Fletcher:

And hello everyone and welcome back to Showing Up Whole the space where we discuss alignment in mind, body, heart and spirit, in every aspect of ourselves. And today I am overjoyed to have a wonderful guest to share her work with you. I am talking to Prune Harris, who is a magical energy expert. Prune has seen energy since birth. She's a conscious educator and soul activist. She has trained with healers, elders, wisdom holders throughout the world and is certified in Touch for Health Kynology, eden Energy Medicine, celtic North Shamanism. And for 20 years she's worked as a clinical practitioner, dedicating her skills and gifts to helping those who needed to heal physically, emotionally or spiritually.

Christina Fletcher:

But with a three-year waiting list, she knew that she had to make a global impact. She needed to make her knowledge accessible to a much wider audience. Through her in-person and online courses and best-selling book your Radiant Soul Transform your Energy, transform your World. Prion has empowered thousands of people across the globe to bring consciousness to their energy systems and make small yet powerful changes that elicit real changes in their lives. I have to say I have read Prune's book, I have taken one of her courses, and this is magic in itself, so I can't wait to share. And this is magic in itself, so I can't wait to share I prove it is lovely to have you here. Thank you so much for agreeing to come on the show uh, thank you, christina.

Prune Harris:

I'm excited to see where our conversation can take us today um, too, it's a.

Christina Fletcher:

it's a lovely thing to sit and discuss things from a space of energy alignment, um, so why don't we start with just an understanding First of all? Actually, let's look into what's it mean to really see energy, because I was in awe when I read your book that you've seen energy since you were born, and to me that's such an interesting world perception.

Christina Fletcher:

And also, it must have been such a fascinating world perception to shift when you realize that other people couldn't have that gift. So can you actually just dive in a little bit about that personal space, just to kind of understand what that means?

Prune Harris:

Yeah, absolutely, of course. You've already named it. It's a little bit odd to realize that not everybody else is seeing the world as you do. We all tend to think that however we perceive the world, how we perceive people, how we perceive our relationships, is the reality, don't we that's? We are the center of our worlds? Of course we are. We can't think outside that framework.

Prune Harris:

And so for me, growing up, it was very normal to see energy. I grew up on a little farm in a rural area from a big family where there were. There was lots of free time. I spent a lot of time with animals. When I say free time, it was work time. It was mucking out horses or cleaning out cows or rounding up geese out cows or rounding up geese but there was a lot of personal time and space to witness the interaction of the world.

Prune Harris:

And I think that's the most important thing about being able to see energy. I see those interconnective places when humans as energy fields, animals as energy fields, trees, plants, grass, the earth as energy fields all interact, all are continually exchanging information. So for one that lets me understand where the meat point is, how that animal and a person can actually engage with each other, whether there's fear in their energy is just information. Yeah, that's one of the kind of really key things to understand about energy. It's coded fields of information. So emotions are energy, thoughts are energy, the way we interact with people is energy. So being able to witness that flow, that exchange, certainly set me up with being able to understand perhaps what without seeing energy takes much longer to grow. An awareness of it was more natural for me. I think that's the bottom line of it. So, as far as what it is physically, all of us see the human body, all of us see the plants, all of us see the animals and all of us see energy.

Prune Harris:

We can look at a friend and see, just by the way they seem to us nothing specific. We can see whether the energetic field is vibrant, whether it's alive, and we might say things like, oh, that person seems confident today, or that person seems really alive today, they've got a joie de vivre and I don't know what. You know we, we have lots of ways to not quite say, wow, I'm seeing that person's energy and that person has a lot today. Or when we look at a friend, think, oh, they're really kind of empty today, they're really depleted, they look much smaller or less than they usually, quite having the language. Perhaps if I was looking at that person or someone who's trained in understanding energy anatomy, to say, wow, what's happened to Christina's aura today?

Prune Harris:

Usually it's vibrant. It's a good three foot off her body. There's lots of dynamic colors in it, but today it's really close. In fact it's got a resonance in it, a way of looking there or she's really struggling today. It's got a resonance in it, a way of she's really struggling today. So when we learn the language of energy, we're able to bring our own understandings into a far greater place, our own awareness. I love that.

Christina Fletcher:

I love the difference, awareness that comes with not only your own energy field within it, because that's what it comes down to, isn't it Like I think we can all develop.

Christina Fletcher:

I think we put so much focus on our own alignment within our own energy fields of it's like oh, how am I feeling? Oh, where am I shifting? It feels like we've really, especially maybe over the last five years, we've become far more focused on how we're feeling and it really feels that by observing everyone else's fields like this, you actually understand this dance. It feels like a very flowing dance when you discuss it. It's not done with any judgment, it's not done, it's done out of observance. So how do you help people really become more in tuned with that? Because we live in a very we live in a very interesting world. Now it feels like and you must have noticed, or actually, maybe I should ask if you did notice how people's energy has shifted as they've gotten more addicted to, say, their phones, as they've got addicted to more information, as they've got addicted to a different observance, maybe even more fear elements into their lives. Have you noticed a shift in energy from other people's fields over the last, like you know, five years? Or the energy of the planet.

Prune Harris:

Yeah, I have, and, as with everything we're experiencing right now, there's a polarization, isn't there? So, yes, I've noticed as I walk down the street that perhaps there are many more people who are working with an energy field that's a little more constrained, a little more limiting, limiting, um, because the habitual energy field, the place of the sympathetic nervous system, the place of fight for life, freeze, of just kind of living life, non-consciously being governed by those subconscious, um, ways of being which is not wrong, it's, it's necessary for a big part of our daily life it comes back to that place of flow. How much can we flow from that habitual place of experiencing into the creative, into the place of us continually emerging a little bit more, day by day, second by second, into who we are at that moment? Yeah, it's that place of, rather than kind of witnessing the places of different energy fields. It's about understanding that we're all so deeply a part of it that we're continually co-creating that. So are we living right now, in this moment, however you are?

Prune Harris:

However, the listener of this podcast is are you in that place of habitual or are you in the place of creative? Are we right now, you and I, christina, in that place of co-creation, creating something that has not been created before. You and I haven't met before. So can we feel the aliveness, can we be alive to whatever it is that's coming forward here? So, just as I've seen some energy fields, some people let's put it into the personal some people constricting more, there's a lot of challenge in our world right now. There's a lot of fear, there's a lot of uncertainty. So all of those help us move into that habitual energy field and help us move into the sympathetic, into the fight, fight, freeze and at the same time, there's far greater awareness of what you're coming to.

Prune Harris:

As, as you were speaking a little while ago about that concept of moving from I into we, into world, how much are we kind of moving between the positioning of me, the positioning of us, and the positioning of us as a human race or us as a cosmic energy force. So there's a huge development in consciousness right now. It's exciting, it's joyful, it's kind of. There's a lot of cutting edge science that's coming into awareness of how we are energetic beings and how interconnected we are. Now, of course, the ancients knew this, the mystic traditions, they have continued bringing that forward into every part of modern society. But it's been fringe, hasn't it? And now it feels very exciting that this bridge is happening between the spiritual, or the sacred, and the daily life, and that's where energy for me is so important, because it feels like energy is the bridge, it's the way that we can land it in the individual, in that simple understanding of who I am as an individual and how I am part of this immense web of life.

Christina Fletcher:

I love how you put that, because it really does put the emphasis on first aligning your own energy, because so often there's a tendency now, like what you described. You know, people are in that triggered state. You can feel the contraction. There's a contraction of energy that people are holding on to their own just for survival, and yet that means that there's not that flow between others that people are holding on to their own just for survival, and yet that means that there's not that flow between others. And then there has a tendency to be a lot of bumping up energy. It feels like where people are really trying to hold on to what they believe and what they think and then the other person does the opposite by becoming more aware of that expansion. And I love that.

Christina Fletcher:

It's something that I've been playing around with a lot over this last year, this idea of contraction and expansion, and that if you focus on that expanding energy, like how to open up into your field and into other people's field, suddenly you can evolve. There's an evolvement there, and then that does turn this fearful time into an exciting, expansive time, and that's such an important perspective. So then would you say that the emphasis should be on like is it taking care of your own energy first, like is this, or is it about observing? I find it fascinating. I guess where I'm going is that by observing energy fields for yourself how much of your attention was on the outside energy flow and was it hard to actually shift to your own energetic flow? Because that must have been such a? It's such a brilliant perspective. With all of that activity outside of you, watching even animals interact from an energetic space. How did you shift back to your own alignment?

Prune Harris:

to put attention on you by not seeing it as separate at all. I guess.

Prune Harris:

You know, the me in the middle of it is as essential as the we and as the world. So I mean, as young people, we're continually beginning, right from birth, to have a sense of ourselves, aren't we who am I? And it's fascinating energetically, as that begins to kind of unfurl more and more in our energy fields, in our consciousness, those tender times where we hit maybe two or three and we begin to say, oh, you know, there is a me in relation to a you and I get to choose what I do. You know, we might call that the terrible twos, but that's just a beautiful expression of who we are becoming. And then we get maybe seven or eight again, to kind of, oh, energetically, something very powerful happens at that point about age seven where we move into a different elemental rhythm as a kind of constitutional pulse within the depth of us. And as we move into that rhythm, wow, our sense of self becomes even greater, maybe until we're in our mid-teenage years, and then it evolves again. So we go through these amazing cycles of awareness and at first, of course, it's really about defining who we are, in our independence, in our personal narrative, and then we get to make other choices in our mid-20s, in our early 30s, when we look at the kind of energetic emergence within ourself by the mid thirties, a lot of people are beginning to ask the questions of well, who do I want to be when I grow up? Maybe parents asked that of us and teachers asked that of us when we were really quite small and then maybe, as we came towards the end of our early education, in our teenage or early 20s, we thought we had an answer. We thought we were clever and we had an answer.

Prune Harris:

And then as we get into our 35s that sort of age 35 to 42 often we begin to think oh, I'm not the same person I was in my teenage and my 20 years. I have grown into bigger parts of myself. My energy, feel, is more resonance, the information, the wisdom within it, my soul's yearning, that concept of at the very core of us, having that radiant soul energy which is both and it's part of something that's far greater. We could call it the world soul, we could call it that cosmic energy field, we could call it many, many things. So we begin to have a question of hmm well, what is mine to do in this life? What is my amazing time here in this world, which may be 50 years, may be 100 years, may be anywhere in between. What do I feel the calling within me to do, to be, and how am I going to do to be and how am I going to do that?

Prune Harris:

That is literally hardwired in your energy system so that, by the time you get into those late 30s, you've gathered, you've evolved, you've emerged in ways that action, active consciousness it means for me, being part of life from the inside is the key to really evolving yourself as both an amazing soul, an energetic human being.

Prune Harris:

And when we bounce back into an understanding that your energy fields are fields of consciousness, they connect you, they bridge the internal and the external, they bridge your concept of self and concept of collective or global. So being aligned, so being aligned, showing up whole, they're the key aspects, aren't they, for actually being able to say this is me where I currently am, right now, and I want to be part of creating a relationship together, creating a world together. And this is a way I can do it at the moment, trusting that every second, you are engaged in energetic exchange, which means that you are always different, you're always growing that little bit more. Your level of consciousness is unfolding in a different place in your body system. There's no way you can be separate, there's no way you can witness anything external of you, because if it's external, it's also internal.

Christina Fletcher:

Oh, yeah, beautifully so, beautifully so. What I love how you're describing this is that, first of all, the self-compassion, the self-understanding that there's no room for a sense of. You know you often hear about concepts and stories around unworthiness or the separateness, and there's no room for that in everything that you're describing. It's observing the challenges, the different situations, the different influxes of energy that you experience and evolving with that and as you evolve within that, going through the chapters of your life and each chapter being a new chapter, and I just I love the growth in it and I love the expansion in it and I just I love the growth in it and I love the expansion in it. Before we talk a little bit about, like, aligning yourself and taking care, you know, helping your energy really evolve in that I've got to, I'm curious about something From chapter to chapter, as humans, we have a tendency to become attached to the old.

Christina Fletcher:

You know, like we it's such a lovely concept spiritually and energetically, like spirit is always ready to move forward. It's always like, yep, let's go next, next version, we're good and but yet mentally, physically, we have a tendency to hold on and often this is where a lot of the struggle and pain and and contraction comes in is because this sense of holding on to energy. How do you suggest people make that shift? Because there's so much fear around the letting go of old chapters.

Prune Harris:

Right now, with all of human history behind us and the potential of human history yet to be made. Yeah, the human story continues past us, and that's true whether you have biological descendants or not. Every one of us through our kind of the, the huge, the thousands of ancestors that stand behind us. Every one of us has descendants in front of us as well. So when we think about that positioning of ourselves as a really essential, really essential, vibrant spark in that huge story of humanity and humanity itself being a vibrant spark, a rich tapestry within the entire fabric of the cosmos, of the story of this earth, then for me that's always deeply grounding. That means that, wow, human beings have messed up time and time and time again and human beings have co-created marvels time and time and time again. So, no matter what I'm challenged with right now, no matter what I'm striving for or calling towards me or having challenges, letting go of it is perfect. It's exactly where I need to be and, with that place of perspective, it's not just about my life. This is about something wonderful that we're all doing together. With that perspective, I have deep grounding in that, which means I can step forward. I let go of all the challenges, the limitations that may be holding me back, old habits, old patterns, and I can view them in that deep time perspective that always is joyful for me, that's empowering, that releases limitation in my system. So I think that's one place just to position it.

Prune Harris:

The other is the deep sense of trust in where we could call it the pattern of life, which kind of is similar, in that place of ancestral and descendant understanding. Because are we here dotting around in our lives on this planet right now, utterly alone, or are we connected into something that has a weave to it, that has an energetic field that is pulsing, alive, informing, and that I'm a part of and I can, by my own vibration, you can, by your own vibration, pulse it, inform it, help co-create it Energetically. That's what I see and that's what I understand. So, therefore, that's what I know and that grounds me in a deep sense of trust. And when there are things that I'm challenged with, when there are things that my clients or students are challenged by as far as feeling limited and not able to allow or step forward into the next place, then dancing inside that trust, getting curious about it, bringing in simple practices to deepen connection, deepen the energetic flow in their body system.

Prune Harris:

That feels really key and I guess the third is an extension of both of those and it's that place of community, feeling supported, feeling like you belong. Nothing inspires the ability to step forward or step away from some limitation more than that sense of being witnessed in your growth, in your evolution, in your emergence, being supported in it, being able to ask for help. We're fundamentally connected to everything and so feeling the support of that is, yeah, pretty magical in your energy fields.

Christina Fletcher:

That's a beautiful thing. That's an interesting way of looking at it. It's funny because, you know, before the internet, before social media, before these, you know, these wonders of the world, it was that sense of community was so different, wasn't it? There was a sense of needing to adjust yourself, often in order to fit in to your surroundings far more, and now we have this fantastic internet that we can actually actually engage with people of that like-minded. So do you find that that has helped people's energy fields expand? That's actually a very interesting thing. Do you find that internet having? Do you find that internet or the use of social media or the use of internet actually helps people's energy expand or contract, or is that dependent on what they're ever viewing? Just a total personal curiosity.

Prune Harris:

Yeah, both, yeah, absolutely both. As with everything, it's about that place of how we meet, whatever it is, how we meet that challenging relationship, how we meet the internet, how we meet that group, how we meet ourselves. So I would say, especially something as incredibly varied as the internet internet, it can be both the amazing connector and one of the most isolating things that we have. Think of the children who are being bullied inside their own bedrooms by things on social media, you know, like destructive, so desperately destroying in their lives, and think of this conversation right now. Or think of some join to work together, energetically or otherwise. Gather, we are changing the story as well, aren't we? So, um, yeah, I'm very independent and circum? Um, depending on the circumstance as well. Maybe today the Internet is a brilliant thing for me because I get to chat with you and do research online, and tomorrow it's a very limiting thing, because I get stuck scrolling through Instagram pretties and realize that three hours have gone by where I could have been lying in the grass or doing anything else.

Christina Fletcher:

So, yeah, yes, well, and I guess, okay. So then let's bring this conversation over to that sense of self-awareness, because really, in the long run, that's where all this begins. It's the self-awareness of knowing, yes, you're scrolling for five hours or, yes, you are in that expansive conversation. It's that self-introspection, right, and therefore then. So, first observance, and then noticing where you need to realign and where you need to recalibrate. Or perhaps in your world, moevi, it's more a question of where you need to expand, where you need to create more flow, where you need I don't know, maybe usually I use the word alignment, but when talking to you, it feels like alignment almost feels too constrictive. It almost feels like it needs to be more where you need to expand and grow and create more flow. So is that how that works? Is this what you advise people to do? Is that self-observance and then finding the flow?

Prune Harris:

I think alignment is great, I think it's a beautiful word, and not to limit it to personal alignment, alignment on the individual, alignment or authenticity in your relationships and alignment with that kind of greater connection. So the place of it's interesting, because your first point there was self-awareness, and that is the crux, isn't it? That's a place where it can be so what we're not aware of, um, and for me, that's where energy again is the huge bridge, because, just as you have different physiological systems in your body you have different energetic systems and all of them are designed to work together in harmony.

Prune Harris:

And when they're in harmony, when they're in their flow, when the patterns that exist between your chakras, your aura, your electromagnetic energy field, the amazing heart field, when it exists between your energy flows, your channels in your body, those big elemental rhythms I mentioned before, and when it exists between your core energy, this place where your soul energy resides and radiates out through all that you are, when those patterns are in their flow, in their harmony, in their alignment, then self-awareness is the natural progression of that. So it's one of the places that I get really excited about sharing energy understandings, because for me there's a step way before trying to be self-aware yeah, trying to have the point in that moment of saying, oh, I'm doing it again, I'm now catching up with it, because there's ways that you can work, way before you need that point, that actually mean that the spaciousness, the connectiveness in your natural way of being is greater. So then those old limiting patterns can dissolve. And that doesn't mean you can't avoid self-awareness it's absolutely key but that that self-awareness is much more a natural way of being rather than something that you're continually fighting to try and find so being able to understand. Okay, I have an energetic field, I am an energetic being.

Prune Harris:

There are ways, forms, structures, patterns in my energy field that are all helping me develop more and more and more, and there are some of these patterns that have kind of got stuck in old habits, some of them, some of the ways of that flow that actually got limited because of the need for a survival strategy or because of repeated ways of being, that you had to engage in supporting your energy system with simple practices, simple exercises, as simple as putting both hands over your heart, or as simple as tracing some energy channels, some pathways of energy to support your organ, to support your chakras organ, to support your chakras, to support your aura, to help you show up in your day in a whole way.

Prune Harris:

I love that the name of your podcast, your energy, feels all your holy is in service to you, becoming more and more and more you. So that's where that's why I'm excited, christina, because it feels like we're at this really fabulous place whereby, bringing energy understandings into the mainstream, we bridge almost between the yoga mat and daily life, or the mindfulness practice and daily life. Yeah, it's this exciting place of understanding your energy, so that you don't have to work so blimmin' hard to be aware, do you?

Christina Fletcher:

feel like you are continually seeking, trying to embody, to heal, to fix and show up, but you always find yourself running on empty. Let's look at finding you more energetic alignment. There's a good chance that one of your energetic worlds either your mental, emotional, spiritual or physical is out of balance, and with the right practice, you'll have you back in flow in no time. I'm Christina Fletcher, an energy alignment coach, and I want you to know that self-development doesn't always have to be another trip down a rabbit hole. Rather, let's figure out where your flow is blocked and go from there. Check out my free quiz over at spirituallyawarelivingcom backslash quiz and find out where you do need more energetic alignment. Then we can explore what simple practice will give you that shift. None of us are in alignment all the time, so let's get you what you need to be back in flow wherever you need.

Christina Fletcher:

Absolutely Well and I mean anyone who listens to this podcast knows that that's what excites me so much, you know but, you're taking it one step further than I usually do, and I really find this very, very exciting, because I am the first advocate of. You know, if you're in the grocery store, you can easily ground, you can easily put your hands in your heart, you can notice. It's like, oh, my field is starting to get contracted. How am I going to be standing in this grocery line and still find that expansion and and you can, and noticing, and that's level of self-awareness, of noticing when you're off? Where you're taking it, though, is making sure that you put the practices in place that make sure that you are connected first, so that the you're not noticing the offness as much as functioning from a space of flow even before you reach that.

Christina Fletcher:

It's almost like you fill up your gas tank on, like you know, three quarters, but rather than waiting till it gets closer to the E, which is that, I think, is a really vitally important place to take this, because I think the discussion around energy work, the discussion around healing, the discussion we don't even want to go into the discussion about healing, because so often healing is becoming this focus of where everybody again, it keeps everybody in that below half tank, and it's a fascinating thing to be like well, how do you get yourself over that half point and actually get yourself into alignment and maintain alignment, maintain that flow, and from that flow and from that almost point of alignment, then push yourself even well not push, push is the wrong word Allow yourself to expand and flow even wider, past that point. So you are growing rather than always living in this, because it feels like the self-development world almost all often lives in this space of keep topping up, just keep topping up. You'll get there, just keep topping up. And.

Christina Fletcher:

And we're limiting ourselves yeah, I really really agree I I, I, I, I'm catching on to something and I can only just see it and I'm I'm. So tell me if I'm not verbalizing that the way, because it just feels like you are in this space of expansion and growth, which then means that when, like we talked about, you know letting go of past patterns or past lifestyles or past chapters in your life, you're not going to have that same contraction because you're going to have expanded yourself.

Prune Harris:

You're going to be always in that state of eagerness that, of course, spirit is in yeah, very true, and I want to say that is um, of course I go through big contraction to the, the places where we fall apart, the places that really um, yeah, the places that scare us, the places where we realize our deep vulnerabilities, and I wouldn't do without those times either. That's when I get to understand myself on a very different level. So let's recognize the yin, the yang, the expansion, the contraction is always going to be a emerging dance, and I love what you're bringing forward and I totally agree. It's that place of having an expectation that we can be joyful, an expectation that we can be healthy. It's about being able to understand that we have a birthright to fulfill our potential here on earth, that my soul is utterly unique to me, your soul is utterly unique to you, and when your soul emerges more, mine has to as well. And so together, as a human race, we are part of a far bigger collective energy and we're all emerging together. The earth is emerging. It's not a fixed little planet that's only doing her thing. We are part of creating together.

Prune Harris:

So, and that includes the contractions, it includes the time when we feel wow, it's really, really challenging. And it includes the times where we feel I am utterly amazing. I am a radiant soul and I'm doing my stuff here, and it feels like that's the point. That's the place that's often missing, isn't it? We bring the mainstream reductionist paradigm into our healing and we say here's the problem. We're going to work really hard to fix it, fix it, fix it, fix it. That is effective in some ways. But when we're able to actually hold that big support for the huge expansiveness in our system, recognizing that there'll be times when it contracts again, but when we expect it, when we but when we expect it, when we nurture it, when we know how to, through simple practices, through loving practices, when we know how to support them, we come deeper, deeper into connection with self and with all that's around us. We really begin to take our place as the amazing beings that we are.

Christina Fletcher:

I've got chills. I'm going to just ask a question and I'm just very curious about what you're going to say, because often there's a mindset that people feel like before they can feel joy and before they can actually feel that expansion, they have to do quote, unquote a lot of healing first. What are your thoughts on the healing process? Do you feel like they can actually expand out to feeling that, claiming that place, or do they have to do healing first?

Prune Harris:

I mean, life is healing. Doing healing is doing life, isn't it? So we have to do life and we get to choose Do we do it in a place of strain or do we do it in a place of creativity? And I fully recognize that that choice is sometimes not simple at all because of our life experiences, because of the patterns, the habits that are held within us. Because of the patterns, the habits that are held within us because of the traumas we've experienced, trauma is an energy.

Prune Harris:

When you work with your energy bodies, you can help that trauma heal, you can help integrate it back into wholeness. So that concept of having to do the healing work I absolutely agree with. We do need to do our healing work, but if we take it that our life is healing, then actually we just have to live and we have to live in the way that supports our living, supports our ability to say yes to life, our ability to say yes to life. And if that means doing beautiful um shadow work, if that means really embracing the parts of yourself that have experienced trauma and still continue that energy in your body, then that's essential work. Um, I've seen people heal. I've helped people heal from very deep traumas without having to explore the story at all, simply bringing the energy back into its balance, into its healing. And I've walked alongside people who really needed to understand the story that was part of the energetics of their healing. So there's no right, there's no wrong, but always holding that expectation that you have a right to belong here in your amazing life.

Christina Fletcher:

I love how you say that, because it's true. I mean, sometimes you're it always feels energetically that you're stretching out into the expansion of joy and then maybe something that needs to be healed comes up in that point. So it's where you're putting your direction of focus, isn't it? It's where you're putting your direction of are you putting your attention on the expansion and then all of a sudden something shows up and you go? Well, actually, this is holding me back. That needs to be cleared up, that needs to be resolved, rather than putting your attention behind you and from that attention being behind you, you get kind of stuck back there.

Christina Fletcher:

All right, I want to make sure that we get in some of your beautiful practices, because we're on camera for a very strong reason, although it's a beautiful energy that's coming off of the screen. What are some simple steps? Because I mean, you have a vast catalog of different practices to help balance out and expand yourself. If someone listening right now is in a state of feeling contracted, perhaps, or wanting to feel more grounded, what would be a simple practice that they could do that would help them feel more present in their body and help calm their spiky energy.

Prune Harris:

Well, there's two main places that we really want to think of Anytime you're feeling overwhelmed, anytime you're feeling strained, stressed, contracted. One is understanding that if you can ground your body system, or if you can invite your body system, or if you can invite your body system to ground itself, that will always help. And the second is the understanding that the heart and this electromagnetic field, the heart field, which of course is measurable and we use in a lot of modern science, the heart is a really big key to grounding for practice. And that would just be to place one hand over the heart and the other hand on the top of the head, so energetically we're doing so many gets a tall tire. Then you can bring your elbow down so that you're on the desk or on the arm of a chair, or even on your knees if you're sitting on a stool or something. But let's take three breaths here and then I'll explain what you're connecting and as you breathe out, maybe just allow a gentle sigh, or even a stronger one if you're feeling strained or overwhelmed or holding tension, or overwhelmed or holding tension. One more full breath in, here and out, and now just placing both hands on the heart and sliding them under so that your fingers are inside your armpits and you can just let your thumbs rest on your chest anywhere that they fall. This is a way you can keep your hands here and I'm just going to explain what we did in that first hold of the heart in the top of the head.

Prune Harris:

We're connecting through the energetic core, through that deep center where all of your energy fields begin and flow from.

Prune Harris:

We're connecting into that place through the heart and through the top of the head, which helps invite the flow from above your head down to your heart, through all of the center of your body, down beneath your feet, and helps you ground electromagnetically.

Prune Harris:

At the same time, it encourages your system to begin to move into the parasympathetic nervous system.

Prune Harris:

So your entire nervous system begins to drop back down into a place of flow, even as your energy system. Anytime we're in fight, flight, freeze, anytime we're in that habitual energy field, then your energy would have risen up, up, up. It would be like a dancing flame getting higher and higher at the top and less and less at the bottom. Flame getting higher and higher at the top and less and less at the bottom. So by placing the hand on the head and the heart, you invite it to return down into that deeper flow and then to have your both hands here in this heart hug encourages that expansiveness through your heart field. And that heart field, that deep electromagnetic and subtle energetic field, helps be the conductor of all of the rhythms, all of the flows, all of the movements in your entire energy system, so that capacity to just tuck into this heart hug, especially after connecting the top of the head and the heart, can bring so much peace back into the body oh, it feels beautiful, doesn't it just feels beautiful, it just it just feel.

Christina Fletcher:

You can feel, you feel your entire whole system, just um ground. Out of curiosity, you mentioned the energy rising up. I know for me, if I'm ungrounded, my voice rises way up in my head, into my head register and I start sounding like Snow White, but it easily flows into that space. Are there other indications that, as an indicator to practice that, because I think this is so often if people are only becoming aware of that energy, or are you suggesting?

Christina Fletcher:

so again, is this a top up when you're hitting, you know close to you're running on empty. Or is this something to practice, just to integrate, as brushing your teeth, just like you know, just on a daily practice?

Prune Harris:

Yeah, both, both with energy understandings, with energy exercises, with these practices. They always can be both. Every time you do a practice like that heart hug, you help your energy fields Remember the pattern of health, remember the pattern of the vitality. And so, whether you do that when you wake up and you're feeling great, or as you're sitting in a park and you're feeling great, or whether you do it as you wake up and you're feeling very discombobulated or strained or stressed after the after the night or the day before, or you're sitting in a park and you're feeling threatened, you're feeling unsafe in that park environment, or you're feeling un-exhausted or hormonal, it doesn't matter. Both of them are retraining your energy fields to come back into balance, back into harmony, and building resilience.

Christina Fletcher:

Oh, I love the phrase of, and that you mentioned that in your book about the pattern of health, that that you, that it's such a wonderful perspective of life that you are. You are created to be healthy. You have that health within you, that you're, you're you're not a foreign, unhealthy being, that you are programmed for health. That's beautiful, all right. So that is a wonderful practice that everyone can just create into their every day. Um, do you have anything that to help them feel that expansiveness once they've felt that way?

Prune Harris:

Let's think about the fact that if, when you are grounded, you are in your big expansiveness, when your heart field is in flow, you're in your expansiveness Even if you're feeling in a challenged place. When you bring your hands to the the heart, when you do, the expansive flow can occur again. So, balance when, if we think about aligned, if we think about grounding, if we think about expansion, we could just use the word balance there. Yeah, you're always looking to bring cohesion and balance into your system and then you let it do the rest.

Christina Fletcher:

You let it work in the way that it needs to, which is grounded, which is aligned, which is expansive that's amazing, that's such a, that's such a liberating sense of allowing it to flow from you will allow it to do its thing, oh, I could talk with you for hours.

Christina Fletcher:

I have so many different things, but I wanted to respect your time and thank you so much for coming on our show. You have so many practices, as I say, so I want to make sure people know about the different offers that you have, because your membership is full of these practices. Am I right? Like this is the gathering ground is a beautiful place that you show people these things. Can you just tell a little bit about how people can take part in your work?

Prune Harris:

My website has a lot of information, including all of the visuals that I've worked with to help people understand their energy systems, and then on YouTube, I've got hundreds of practices there as well, so I'm really grateful that you mentioned my book. She feels like an amazing friend out in the world. Of course, there's wonderful practices in there, as well as the understandings.

Christina Fletcher:

There is, and I'll have all those links in the show notes below. I highly recommend everyone checks out all your socials, follows you online and comes and visits you in all aspects of the world. Thank you so much for this beautiful conversation. It's been a. It's just such a joy to share an energetic space with you, so thank you.

Prune Harris:

Thank you, I really enjoyed it and lovely, lovely to have this pretty rich discussion with you.

Christina Fletcher:

We cover it all here. Thank you, love and light.