Showing Up Whole

It's Time To Do Things Differently: Using Energetic Alignment to Show Up Each Day.

Christina Fletcher Season 4 Episode 18

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In this episode of Showing Up Whole, we explore how to navigate today’s complex world, from natural to man-made disasters, by embracing energetic alignment and shifting away from outdated concepts.
Rather than focusing solely on outward action and fixing what feels broken, we dive deep into how to align with your truest light and radiate love that illuminates the world around you.

This episode challenges the old patriarchal systems and action-focused solutions that often fail to create lasting change. Instead, I encourage you to ask the profound questions: "What do I want to embody?" and "How do I love my way through?" By leaning into your most loving self and cultivating spiritual growth, you can transform your approach to personal challenges and global upheaval.

As an energy alignment coach, Christina shares insights inspired by nature’s cycles and explore how small, intentional changes in your daily habits can create space for deeper self-awareness and personal transformation. Together, let’s reflect on how embodying love and compassion, qualities once reserved for the "holiest of holies," can create a ripple effect of positivity in the world.

Let’s embrace this moment as an opportunity to ask: What’s truly working? What needs to change? And how can we show up whole to illuminate the world in 2025 and beyond?

The tools recommended include Danielle Laporte's new planner The Heart Centered Planner for 2025. 
Use Christina's link to purchase and get 10% off as well as access to the Energy Reset Circle in November if you message her proof of purchase at 

Christina Fletcher is a Spiritual Alignment coach, energy worker, author, speaker and host of the podcast Showing Up Whole.
She specialises in practical spirituality and integrating inner work with outer living, so you can get self development off of the hobby shelf and integrated as a powerful fuel to your life.

Through mindset, spiritual connection, intuitive guidance, manifestation, and mindfulness techniques Christina helps her clients overcome overwhelm and shame to find a place of flow, ease, and deep heart-centered connection.
Christina has been a spiritual alignment coach, healer and spiritually aware parent coach for 7 years and trained in Therapeutic Touch 8 years ago. She is also a meditation teacher and speaker.
For more information please visit her website

Want to uncover where you need the most energy alignment?
Take her new Energy Alignment Quiz to identify which of your energetic worlds (mind, body, heart or spirit) needs aligning the most!

Or Follow her on her social media accounts:

Christina Fletcher:

Hi and welcome back to Showing Up Whole, the place where we discuss alignment in mind, body, heart and spirit, in every aspect of our lives. We're living in an interesting time and today I want to talk about how we can cultivate our wholeness, cultivate our balance, cultivate a different form of living so that we are truly showing up whole and creating the change we want to see in the world. Hi and welcome back. It is an interesting time that we're living in. There is a lot of tensions and chaos and there is a lot of things vying for your attention, as well as intense processes that you are all experiencing. I know, as I talk to my clients and friends and community in America, I know that you are dealing with a lot of intense energy due to elections and due to some of the things happening there. I also know that worldwide, there is so many events that are taking place that have each individual person asking what they can do. What they can do, and as I explore that, even within myself, what always comes up is the sense that it is truly about tapping into our own alignment. That leads to showing up as the best helpers we can be. Take two, so starting again, and I don't know how to actually start it again, so we're taking two. Okay, hi and welcome back to Showing Up Whole, the place where we discuss alignment in mind, body, heart and spirit for every aspect of our lives. Today I want to talk about how it's time we do things differently. It's time that, in showing up whole, we shift the tension from the concept of needing to fix ourselves, heal ourselves, work on ourselves, and instead dive deeper into a sense of wholeness and alignment that can shine out into all parts of our lives and the world itself. Hi and welcome back. You know there has been a lot going on this year and as I am embarking on my planning and focusing for these last 90-some days or 85-some days that is left, of 2024, I find myself observing all that has been and seeing it as fuel for what can be.

Christina Fletcher:

I was out for a walk in our orchard earlier today the orchard we live nearby and as I was walking through I was looking at all these apples that have just kind of fallen from the trees and as they just fall in there and started to decompose, it gave me some fuel for thought, as I was thinking that, as so much of our lives are similar to the chapters that are found in nature. We work through these chapters, we create these fruits of our lives. We have the blossom, we have the harvest, and then there are parts of this that just simply fall away. However, within everything that is fallen away, there are also seeds for the new chapter, seeds for the new perspectives and new growth, and that's sort of what I want to talk about with today.

Christina Fletcher:

You know, we're living in a complicated time. We're living in a time where, between natural disasters and man-made disasters, there seems to be this sense of eruption, and this is leading to a lot of people asking themselves what is the path forward? How do you show up whole in these current times, and I think it's important to create new perspectives in this. It's really, in my mind, a path of going within, of aligning to your truest light, rather than the steady concepts that we've been passed down for centuries and millennia, that it is the action, the outward motion of ourselves that show the world who we are and that creates the change. Instead, I want to shift attention to actually being about what we radiate. How do you radiate love and allow that love to radiate out to the world, illuminating everything it touches? Is that a lofty ideal, potentially, potentially, this is beyond human. However, the human path has always been one of striving for betterment. It's always been about going deep, enhancing our abilities, and as I look across the board of world stories, where we are right now, all that keeps coming up for me is it's not working. The patriarchal systems, the linear concepts of time and movement, the ideas of action-focused solutions which actually don't work as solutions, the fear, focus, the competitive edge none of this is working, and it feels important to ask ourselves the same questions we do when something isn't working, and that is what do we need to do to transform that? What does work now? Nowadays, there's so many things that can work.

Christina Fletcher:

You know, I've had a few conversations the last few weeks about how we actually live in a time where we can talk about magic more openly. We can talk about light work more openly. We can talk about energy more openly. Energetic practices are now being scientifically backed. We can talk about grounding and not feel like we have two heads. We live in a time where ideals of embodiment are actually something that aren't just on the fringe of society. If you talk about the power of thought, if you talk about the power of thought.

Christina Fletcher:

People now understand that versus seeing it as egotistical. We are living in the time where we understand the tools at our disposal and yet, at the same time, I think there's still a sense of trepidation around using them. So what can we do to fully embrace the tools that are at our disposal? How can we fully align and, in that alignment, shift our attentions from being about the how do I make change to actually become the change? You know you might be listening to this and go. Christina, come on.

Christina Fletcher:

This is like I think people have talked about this for so long and these are the conversations that we've been having in all spiritual realms for, you know, millennia and it's hard, and that is for the saints and the seers and for the deep mystics, and how do we implement this into our everyday life? And actually I want to challenge that. I want to challenge it and say perhaps we live in a time that actually it's for all of us. What if it's actually just a choice away? What if it's actually just a decision away? You know, I have recently become a ambassador for Daniel Laporte's new planner system, the Heart Centered Planner, and I could go on and on and on a podcast episode itself, why this is the perfect planner for anyone who is diving deep into spiritual, aware work and want to show up whole.

Christina Fletcher:

But there's a few things in it that, as I look through an early copy that I was given to talk about it, as I look through the early copy, the few things that are really striking my attention are a couple of questions that she asks you to ask. That is, what do I want to embody? What do I want to embody Lean into, truly stepping into the version of myself that is the most loving? How do I embody what used to be reserved for the most holies of holies? How do I embody that within my own life? What small actions will help me become that? And the other thing that she often asks, too, is how do I love my way through? To me, those two concepts, those two phrases, those two questions that we can ask ourselves every single day and in every single stressful situation and every single challenge. To me, these are what starts us on that path of doing things differently.

Christina Fletcher:

You're in a conflict, you're in a situation, a stressful situation between you and someone else, and asking those two questions mean that you shift from a reactionary space of who is going to make the strongest point? Who is going to be right? How do you win the argument? How do you prove the other person wrong? Who's to blame? From all of those structures of reaction, instead, you take a step back and you can ask yourself how do I love my way through this?

Christina Fletcher:

Suddenly, through being more loving, you start listening to the other person deeper, you start considering their emotional space fuller, you start having empathy for where they're coming from and you reclaim the humanness of it all. Isn't that what we're all craving? Haven't we all gotten stuck in some hamster wheel that is generated by clickbait and fast news or social media scrolls or needing things faster, and instead of it being about connecting to humanity, it's gotten stuck into who's right and from that we've formed this space of cancel culture or this push, this frantic sense of pace. So, within that, aren't we being asked to take a step back and do things differently? What do you want to embody? It can be anything. You can embody your joy. I want to embody radiance and passion and eagerness and excitement. I want to embody a sense of deep, deep love and compassion. I want to embody wisdom. I want to embody beauty. What do you want to embody and what do you want to embody and how do you love your way through?

Christina Fletcher:

Those two fundamental, foundational questions need to be like guiding lighthouses that can lead us back to a sense of who we want to be and how we show up whole. And I mean, if I look at my own work, you know which, which, the reason why I became an ambassador for Daniel Laporte is because her, her concepts, her tools, her practices, her, her planner. It literally aligns to everything that I work on with my clients. It's like if we look at the four energetic worlds that you find within my quiz and my courses, and you look at those four energetic worlds and you look at mental alignment and emotional alignment and physical alignment and spiritual alignment, you know, in her planner, I'm looking through it and it's like nourishing thoughts for your mental alignment. How do you find the nourishing thoughts that feed into the version of yourself you're trying to embody? How do you have the divine practices that put you in spiritual alignment so that you can embody the person that you want to be? How do you take care of your heart and dive in more heart-centered so that your emotional world is in balance? And how do you actually regulate your nervous system. And yes, she does actually have a whole section in her planner focused on nervous system regulation, which just excites me so much. How do you use your, regulate your nervous system and find balance within it so that your physical alignment, energy is in flow? All of this is wholeness.

Christina Fletcher:

Do you feel like you are continually seeking, trying to embody, to heal, to fix and show up, but you always find yourself running on empty? Let's look at finding you more energetic alignment. There's a good chance that one of your energetic worlds either your mental, emotional, spiritual or physical is out of balance, and with the right practice, you'll have you back in flow in no time. I'm Christina Fletcher, an energy alignment coach, and I want you to know that self-development doesn't always have to be another trip down a rabbit hole. Rather, let's figure out where your flow is blocked and go from there. Check out my free quiz over at spirituallyawarelivingcom backslash quiz and find out where you do need more energetic alignment. Then we can explore what simple practice will give you that shift. None of us are in alignment all the time, so let's get you what you need to be back in flow wherever you need.

Christina Fletcher:

What happens in your day? If you start your day, your morning, looking through yourself, reflecting on how you're feeling. What is your alignment? How are you in flow? Where do you need more flow? You hear me talk like this all the time on this podcast.

Christina Fletcher:

On this podcast, what happens if you are observing yourself into the depths and, rather than observing it from a thing of, am I out of alignment there? Am I out of? Oh? Does this need healing? Does this need fixing? Does this need adjusting? Instead, what if it actually goes? Is this aspect of myself aligned to my highest good? Am I aligned into what I want to embody in my physical, energetic world? Am I feeling in flow, moving in the direction forward? Do you see the difference? There's a slight nuance.

Christina Fletcher:

I'm encouraging you to shift from a place of looking to seeing what's wrong to instead looking to seeing what's right and, if something's not in alignment, knowing that it's actually just a simple shift away. I believe we're making too much of a fixing and, in some ways, by putting too much attention on fixing, we're actually putting too much attention on being too broken to being the change we want to see. We have to be more loving, we have to be more human and divinely human. We have to be more heart-centered. We have to be more heart-centered. We have to find that brilliant flow that comes when we are in total alignment with who we came to be, and so we can not just do, but instead witness our own processing as we communicate with other people.

Christina Fletcher:

Do you ever have those conversations where you're actually talking to someone and it's in such alignment with yourself that the conversation just flows and you don't even know where it's coming from? Or you say something to someone and they turn to you and say that was exactly what I needed to hear and you don't even know what you said? Do you ever experience that wholeness that when you're out in a situation of beauty within nature, you suddenly feel yourself expanded to the point that you're just totally present in your moment and the love just flows from you? I just can't help wondering what would happen if we all focused on that. What would happen if, collectively, we shifted our attention to what was outside of that, outside of us, what other people are doing, what other people are thinking, what other people are moving through, and instead offer them love and compassion. Love our way through all those situations, hold space for other people but at the same time, dive deep within ourselves and allow love to radiate from us. It's interesting because at the beginning of Daniel Laporte's Planner there's a sentence that just says you know, when we shift our attention from fixing ourselves, instead we can turn it towards I'm totally misquoting this, but basically, instead, when we turn it towards aligning to our own light, anything that doesn't belong to that light begins to fall away. Think about that. What does that even resonate as? What does that even resonate as the idea that, you know, it's that concept of Michelangelo when he spoke about creating his David, where he chipped away everything that wasn't David. What is your inner masterpiece and how do you embody it?

Christina Fletcher:

I'm looking at, you know, here we are in October and we have November, and we have December, and I usually start looking at the next year as of December and you know, I get really excited about my end-of-year workshop and I get really excited about my sitting down with my planner in the last week of December or early January and really intentionally flowing forth the year and I'm sitting going, okay. So actually I believe that things need to be done differently and that's in small steps. It was a fascinating thing because over September I did a habit changing challenge over in my sub stack and the results were beautiful for the people who took part. It was absolutely so exciting to hear the different things that were coming forth from it, but it was a really strong reminder that showed that taking little steps of changing habits, just the smallest habit that you do, and when you change that, you do change everything. Suddenly, you feel your life more spacious, more open. It just unfolds in entirely different rhythm. So it's an interesting thing when you actually start asking now, october, what small changes are you going to create so that when you show up in January 2025, you feel like you're already there, you're already in the alignment that you are craving and therefore, then it's not well, in January 2025, I'll reach for alignment. Instead, it's like you're there, you're starting in the space of alignment and you're starting in that space knowing that, from that alignment, that's what you have to maintain. What if it becomes that your new year is actually about maintaining that alignment rather than finding the alignment? What unfolds from that and what can you do now to fully meet that alignment in this small space in time? And I mean there's a lot of options here and I want you to, rather than seeing it as hard work, rather than seeing it as, oh well, I'd have to read this book and do this and practice that, and then I need to get my gratitude journal out and I need to do this. Rather than seeing it as that, I want you to actually just start dropping in the seeds of, of aligned energy, feel into it, embody it for a moment.

Christina Fletcher:

The other day I did this for myself because I just sat down and I was meditating and I just asked the universal forces that guide me so well. I just asked I just want a frequency drop in. I just want an essence Like if you had, if you imagined, like an eyedropper, just a massive one above my head. I just want a drop of the energy of who I am becoming, the energy of who I can be, my whol self, that as a guiding light and it was so interesting how watching is just that simple request, the simple clear. I just want a sense of her and then leaving it and within probably 10 minutes, within my meditation, all of a sudden I just felt this shift within myself where I thought there she is, this is who I want to become. I couldn't put words to it, I couldn't find adjectives to describe her. I couldn't sum up exactly what I would be doing differently, but I could feel her and that's how this works. The tasks, the tools, the processes, those support your development, but the development itself comes through an easy frequency shift. So, in that alignment, how do you want to feel and what do you want to feel and what do you want to embody Within that? Once I had that essence of who she is becoming and who I am becoming and how I am feeling into my new next step.

Christina Fletcher:

Today I did go out into the orchard and I sneaked a glance at my. Today I did go out into the orchard and I sneaked a glance at my new Danielle Laporte planner, which I have the outline of, and I started working through some of her processes and I started looking at the nourishing thoughts that can support who I want to be and the divine practices that I want to instill, and started to do a little review. I haven't dived in completely, but I am leaning into it. What needs to adjust, like dials on a master board where you're just turning them to get the better attunement and alignment what needs to adjust. And as I looked through this program, which is so robust and she has so many different things on offer. I also asked how can I support other people in working through this as well? So how? As I looked at it because, again, this is so much of everything that I work through I realized that how I want to do this and what I am going to be doing. This is so much of everything that I work through. I realized that how I want to do this and what I am going to be doing this is through my membership program, the Energy Reset Circle.

Christina Fletcher:

The women there are going to be experiencing a lot of the tools that are in the planner. Starting in November, we are going to be diving into establishing the nourishing thoughts that hold space for the person you want to be. We are going to be working through the divine practices. We are going to be working through the manifestation practices that she has in place. We're going to be doing the reviews that she suggests and making sure nervous system regulation is in place. We are going to be doing those together for November, december, working our way up into the end of year workshop that I always offer at the end of December. We are going to streamline it so it's fully supportive through the busy holiday season, and then the idea is that all the members there, when they've gone through those processes by the time we've reached the end of your workshop, then they will have a deep, deep sense of who they are becoming Exciting right Now. That's whether they've bought the planner or not. I will be guiding through the practices.

Christina Fletcher:

The planner helps. I won't lie. So if they do, if anyone buys the planner, if you're already in my membership and you buy the planner, let me know if you have used my code, because I do have a special code. You're going to find all this information in the show notes. But basically you go over to Danielle's site, you buy a planner and you put in ChristinaLove10 and it will get you 10% off. Email me at Christina at SpirituallyAawarelivingcom your receipt. If you are not in the my Membership program already, then I will gift you the month of November. In there you will have access to the Sunday energy healing sessions, the Sunday meditations that we do together, and those Sunday sessions will also hold how we hold the focus. You will also be in the WhatsApp chat group for that month so you can take part in the conversations going there. If you are already in the membership, then drop me a message and I will sort something else out for you, because I want to make sure that you have the support you need if you have the planner.

Christina Fletcher:

I've mentioned this planner to a few people and they go. I never do planners. This can't be the case with this one. The idea is is that, within my membership, we are going to be flushing out these practices and flushing out what it means to be true to yourself. Then, starting January, well, quite frankly, the price of the membership is increasing from $27 to $47, and we are going to be doing deeper dives, but over the next three months, I want to make sure that everybody is feeling hope. I want you to feel empowerment and hope. I want you to know and claim who you are and, like the phoenix rising, I want you to claim who you've become, what seeds you're planting from the old chapters and what you are moving forward into.

Christina Fletcher:

This is a complicated time. It is a time where we need to be rallying and gathering all of our deepest resources, strength and divine essence, because that way, that all of that energy can be shining out into the world, which I truly believe with all of my being is what we came here to do. This is why we came at this time. We came at this time to align within ourselves and become love and shine out that love, to know that we are made of love, to know that we are made of light, and allow that to flow out into the world, even if our daily lives are filled with our own personal chaoses. What do we want to embody and how do I love my way through?

Christina Fletcher:

It's so powerful and it's such an important time for you to not only do the inner work, but for you to fully embody it and to actually prioritize it, because it transforms everything. It because it transforms everything Alignment, love, light, embodiment, inner truth, inner guidance, inner loving. It's time for us to shine out from a different space. It's the only thing that's going to work. I'm so sure of it. So, all of that being said, and the truth and depth of where we are headed in this, drop in the show notes. Go grab the planner, use my code, email me, tell me with your receipt, get into the membership for November. We are doing powerful things, yes, and in all of that, I'd also love to hear what are you embodying, how do you love your way through? And let's make, let's plant those seeds now so that 2025 lights up the world. Love and light everyone.