Showing Up Whole
Welcome to Showing Up Whole!
If you’re tired of constantly trying to figure out how to integrate spirituality, self-care, and mindful living into your busy life, only to feel like you’re getting nowhere—you’re in the right place. This podcast is all about helping you align your mind, body, heart, and spirit so you can show up whole in your everyday life—without feeling like you’re running a three-ring circus.
Hosted by Christina Fletcher, you’ll receive practical tools for conscious living, spirituality, and mindfulness. With lighthearted stories, insightful learning moments, and powerful interviews featuring leading experts in mindfulness, spirituality, mindset, and practical magic, this show offers inspiration and guidance for your spiritual and human journey.
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Showing Up Whole
Picking Up On Collective Energy: Transforming Fear into Light Through Community.
In this episode, Christina dives into the dynamics of collective consciousness and how it impacts our daily lives.
We explore ways to maintain alignment with personal energy and cosmic energy, so you can stay grounded even when the collective energy around you feels intense or fear-driven.
Key Takeaways:
- Understanding Collective Consciousness
Collective consciousness, or “group mind,” is the shared emotional and mental energy of society. It can uplift, but often intensifies anxiety and fear. Recognizing collective energy helps us manage its influence. - Personal, Cosmic, and Collective Energy
Christina distinguishes between three types of energy:- Personal Energy: Your unique inner essence.
- Cosmic Energy: A higher, universal energy that provides guidance and peace.
- Collective Energy: The energy from groups, which can be grounding or overwhelming.
- Building Energetic Boundaries
Taking care of your energy doesn’t mean disconnecting or even protecting . Through mindfulness, grounding techniques, and creating sacred spaces, you can set effective boundaries that keep you aligned with your intentions and resilient against collective fear. - Elevating the Collective through Positive Energy
By radiating positivity and compassion, you contribute to a more conscious, uplifting collective. This transformation starts within; when you focus on love and alignment, you create a ripple effect in the world.
Listen in to learn practical ways to stay aligned with your personal energy while contributing positively to the world around you.
Christina Fletcher is a Spiritual Alignment coach, energy worker, author, speaker and host of the podcast Showing Up Whole.
She specialises in practical spirituality and integrating inner work with outer living, so you can get self development off of the hobby shelf and integrated as a powerful fuel to your life.
Through mindset, spiritual connection, intuitive guidance, manifestation, and mindfulness techniques Christina helps her clients overcome overwhelm and shame to find a place of flow, ease, and deep heart-centered connection.
Christina has been a spiritual alignment coach, healer and spiritually aware parent coach for 7 years and trained in Therapeutic Touch 8 years ago. She is also a meditation teacher and speaker.
For more information please visit her website www.spirituallyawareliving.com
Want to uncover where you need the most energy alignment?
Take her new Energy Alignment Quiz to identify which of your energetic worlds (mind, body, heart or spirit) needs aligning the most!
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Hi and welcome back to Showing Up Whole the place where we discuss alignment in mind, body, heart and spirit in every aspect of your life. Today, I want to poke around a rather pertinent conversation about collective consciousness. We're living in a tumultuous world, a world with a lot of energy coming from a lot of directions, and while we align to ourselves and align to our heart's voice, it's vitally important to also be aware of the energies you might be absorbing, assimilating or even resisting. Hi and welcome back. The world's noise seems to be building louder and louder and louder, and as I talk with all of my friends and clients and communities in America over this last week, I know that tensions around the election are definitely becoming hard to avoid. I actually spoke to a friend of mine who's also a very highly attuned Reiki master. She is incredibly sensitive, an incredible coach, and she had noticed that over the last few days she's been just feeling this heaviness, this weight, this energy that kind of seemed to be lurking in the distance and she couldn't track it. And then all of a sudden she realized that she drove by a polling station every single day and the line was getting incredibly long. But I'm not talking about elections here, and I am not talking about anything specific. Rather, today I want to explore collective energy.
Christina:You know, whenever we are feeling intense energy, it can come from three sources. It can come from, of course, our own lives. We are energetic beings. Our brains observe things, we are continually processing experiences. Our hearts are always processing how things feel and therefore then energy ripples. Where attention goes, energy flows. We are our own energetic containers. We have our own space, our own frequency, and sometimes we're in that frequency and sometimes we shift away from that frequency and we fall out of alignment to who we really are, and that is our own personal journey.
Christina:Then you have cosmic energy. You have the fact that, yes, occasionally or well, actually always the cosmos is in a continual dance. You may find that on a Mercury retrograde, tech does not work very well for you. You may find that on solstices, there is a time of needing deeper reflection. You may find that suddenly you feel a little out of whack and then, a few hours later, you realize that the Earth's resonance measured by the Sherman Resonance Scale has peaked out, or that a solar flare has really had high intensity, and then you can kind of go oh well, that makes sense. That's why I was sluggish, that's why I had a migraine, that's why I had trouble sleeping, or that's why I crashed out, or even that's why I lived in total flow today. That was wonderful.
Christina:So you have these two polar experiences, and sometimes it's actually hard to distinguish the two and hard to actually even accept the two, because we have the school of individual energy. It's like but my focus, my focus, my focus creates a ripple of energy. And then you have the, but this is what's happening outside in the cosmos and that seems to affect me. All right, and then let's, let's create an even more complexity. Then we drop in the wonderful gem of collective consciousness. So what are we talking about here?
Christina:Collective consciousness is the fact that each individual is rippling out energy and then things like world events happen, or things like actually not even just world events, things happen on a collective scale. So even if in a town, you have one event that happens and everybody is focused on that one event, that energy affects the whole, you could even have it. You know, our daughter has recently moved to London. She happens to live near one of the big football stadiums there and, um, I was visiting her and you know there was a football match that just let out Lord, help us, lord help us, and the energy resembled. You could tell the collective energy of sporting event. You know, no matter where you are in the world, sporting event collective energy, it is a heightened frequency. We talk about subjects around the water cooler, you know or on social media, and we talk about things and build them up, and build them up and, like a massive snowball, those create their own frequency and whenever you swoop in onto that conversation, you enter that frequency. Same, too, when you have world events that are happening around you. It's like a sticky energy that can just you walk into a fog, or you walk into a rainy storm and you will get wet.
Christina:Energy is a fascinating thing and I find that when I'm juggling these three components of energy, we have to deal with them slightly differently. So you have your own inner alignment, you have your energetic space, your frequency, your tone, your energy, your sense of who you are, the fact that and you can, you know this by working with other people, you know. You know when someone walks into the room, even if you don't see them, you can often tell who that person is by how they feel. You know the essence of someone and you know the essence of yourself. You know, oh, that felt like me, that didn't feel like me. So you work on that energy in a state of alignment and you feel into what practices you need to keep in order to align your energy. And I mean, don't forget, if you're only just kind of tiptoeing in on this, you know and you're like, well, what does this all mean about different? You know your energy alignment by all means. You know, go take my quiz over at spirituallywellivingcom backslash quiz and you will find that you can, you know, answer a few questions and it will start tiptoeing you into what energy alignment looks like and where you need that alignment.
Christina:But this is the work we talk about here. Right, we talk about your own alignment mind, body, heart, spirit. How do you align your energy into being your true to self? Okay, so the cosmic energy. Quite frankly, the cosmic energy, quite frankly, it's like if you imagine your energetic source you know we talk in energy healing we have that energy that flows through the top of your head, it flows down through your whole chakra system, it grounds you into your earth, if you imagine that as like a big water flow and then the cosmic energy kind of affects that water flow. It might just have a different sense to it, a different energy to it, and sometimes it throws you off, kilter and you have to kind of readjust. It's a bit of a dance the personal energy and the cosmic energy. Okay, then you have collective.
Christina:Collective is one of the most fascinating and influential energy to deal with in so many ways, because there's a bit of a mob mentality to it. There's a bit of a mob mentality to it and sadly and I don't often say the word sadly on this podcast because I like to keep it light and fluffy and fun and joyful but sadly a collective consciousness is often and I won't say always, often influenced by the natural negative bias that humans have. We have negative bias. It's what we train our brain away from. You know. It dates back to us being, you know, cavemen and needing to survive. It is that thing of what could go wrong, what could go wrong, what could go wrong, thing of what could go wrong, what could go wrong, what could go wrong. So, which basically means that collective consciousness is often rooted in fear. And then we have things like media that drives the fear and the snowball can often get us caught up in the worst case scenarios of things. And again I'm not talking about specific scenarios, I'm simply talking about the tonality of collective consciousness, the flavor of it, the essence of it.
Christina:The fact that you know collective consciousness is is, if you take the frequency of love you can rarely find, you find that the love is actually a personal energy or a cosmic energy. Collective consciousness is a funny thing. To find a joyful version of. Collective consciousness is a funny thing to find a joyful version of. It is often heavy or weighted down with fear, frustration, anxiety. And if you are out of alignment in your personal self and are starting to fall into your own sense of heaviness which we all do because we're human if you are in that space, then the collective energy can really really amplify that state for you. It's fascinating how these things work. Okay, actually a little example of this Yesterday was Samhain, so my husband, my son and I, we all went up to the Glastonbury tour and we went up to the tour at Glastonbury, which is my heart's home and I love so much.
Christina:What I love about it is often, sometimes, the complexity of it, because it attracts everyone of every belief and every practice and every perception and every frequency, because everyone is there for a personal journey, which is a wonderful thing, but there's a lot of energy. And so we walk up the tour and there's this ritual that's taking place up there and, honestly, all three of us went oh, not for us, because it had a heaviness to it, it had a fear to it, it had something that just felt like it was not where we were supposed to be. It was a definite sense of discord, and so we moved our way down the tour and found a bench and we connected there and but it was. It is a question of. I know for a fact that that when I was younger I could have easily gone. Oh well, it's a ritual. I would have gone up, I would have connected into that energy, I would have felt caught up in that energy and I would have become a match to that energy.
Christina:And then what you want to resonate with. Now some people go, yes, but we can't have toxic positivity. And of course you can't have toxic positivity because then you are totally cut off from what's actually happening in your human experience. And you did come here to be human. You came here as a spiritual being to live as a human. Now, does that mean that you get sucked into every collective energy snowball? No, it does not, but it does mean that you need to acknowledge it.
Christina:Let's take a short little break and when we get back, I am going to talk about how you create energetic boundaries without cutting yourself off from the world and instead resonating as yourself. Do you feel like you are continually seeking, trying to embody, to heal, to fix and show up, but you always find yourself running on empty? Let's look at finding you more energetic alignment. There's a good chance that one of your energetic worlds either your mental, emotional, spiritual or physical is out of balance, and with the right practice, you'll have you back in flow in no time. I'm Christina Fletcher, an energy alignment coach, and I want you to know that self-development doesn't always have to be another trip down a rabbit hole. Rather, let's figure out where your flow is blocked and go from there. Check out my free quiz over at spirituallyawarelivingcom backslash quiz and find out where you do need more energetic alignment. Then we can explore what simple practice will give you that shift. None of us are in alignment all the time, so let's get you what you need to be back in flow wherever you need. Okay, welcome back.
Christina:So what have we got so far? So far, we have three types of energy. Right, we have the cosmic energy, which is the energy that is out in the cosmos. It is not what the world or the collective consciousness is shooting out. You have your own personal energy, who you are, and then you have the collective energy, which is the world around you, and how often, when you get groups of people together, it creates this almost mob mentality of this energetic snowball that can build and build and sometimes easily suck you in, this energetic snowball that can build and build and sometimes easily suck you in.
Christina:So let us create some boundaries here. You know, it's a fascinating thing, because something that always comes up in energy work is protection, and people always look a little confused with me when I say well, yeah, I don't actually practice a huge amount of protection practices. Here's the reason Because where attention goes, energy flows. So if you are talking a lot about protecting yourself from what's outside of you, then you are going to be putting most energy on what you're protecting yourself from. So what you resist persists. Therefore, don't want to be resisting things, because then you're actually putting the attention on what you're resisting.
Christina:For me, energetic boundaries is a more open, loving space, so here's the version that I actually see of this, and if you were part of the Summer Sanctuary Workshop series last summer, then you've heard me talk about this. Also, as a heads up, I am going to be doing a small Black Friday sale for all my workshops, so all my workshops from the summer. So keep an eye on that, and if you aren't on my newsletter list, by all means come over to the site and get on it, because it is going to be a lot of fun. I don't usually do Black Friday stuff things, but you know what I thought this year. I was like let's just have some fun and make these things really easy to access, because to me, energetic boundaries is one of the most important things to be talking about this year.
Christina:s listening.
Christina:But here's how I see it there's you. You have your energy. That energy is love, it is light, it is aligned, you're grounded, you're whole and you're present. And as you feel into your heart space and you connect with yourself, you imagine your energy beaming out and it's beaming out and flowing from you and as it expands and I wish you could see my hands right now, because this is what I always do when I speak, and it's probably better on video it's expanding out and it's expanding out and it's expanding out and it's expanding out and then all of a sudden it finds an edge and that's your radius field and in that radius field that is your energetic boundary you aren't surrounding yourself in a bubble to protect yourself and keep something out. Rather, you are stretching out to create your own bubble and other energy can't get in. Just take a moment and imagine that feeling. Imagine this energy of your whole self, your heart, light shining out, stretching, stretching, stretching, stretching and then surrounding you. It feels so good.
Christina:I love energetic boundaries. I relish energetic boundaries. It's not something like oh got to have my boundaries in place and having something that's hard. Instead, it's a space of where you just sit there and you go beam it out, okay. So, yes, it does take being in alignment with yourself. It makes sure that you're grounded. You have to be in a good mental space so that, therefore, you are feeling in balance, so that you are telling the stories of the love you are. You have to tell the stories of the love you are. You have to be connecting to your heart, because that's the light that's beaming out. You don't want it coming out from your head, because who knows what thoughts are, you know, being fueled by the collective. And, mainly, you also have to be in a grounded, safe space. So your nervous system has to be regulated.
Christina:I am leading through the members of my membership program, the Energy Reset Circle, through processes that help them align really quickly, because we are dealing with the stress of the holiday season, the stress of collective consciousness, the impact of collective consciousness, the global scenarios and really coming at the end of the year, where I'm finding people are very tired. People keep kind of just saying wow, what a year, and it's like yeah again. So I want to make sure everybody is fully aligned and connecting to themselves and having really quick tools so that if you are at a dinner, you can align, if you are dealing in a busy traffic situation, you can feel grounded and safe. If you are dealing with Aunt Betty, who is on you about holiday season dinners and things, you can connect to your heart and create a nice energetic boundary. So yeah, we are working at that over in the membership program. I really would love to have you join, because right now it is $27 a month and as of January it will be $47 a month. So highly recommend you check it out. You also get access to the end of year workshop that happens on December 29th. So, yeah, check it out the link in the show notes or over on the website.
Christina:Anyway, back to that sense of energetic boundaries and alignment. Let's let's just look at that. So now let's also look at clearing a space. So, yes, energetic space, yes, energetic boundaries. Sometimes collective consciousness is alarmingly loud. What do do you do? Okay, well, you go the basics Get some good sage, get a sage spray. Clear your space.
Christina:Magical things happen when you clear your space If you're taking care of the space around you clean up the clutter, make it cozy, make sure it feels like you. You know, I love the fact that. You know now we have online so we can do like. You know, sessions take place in your home. You take care of your home. Your energetic space is your home. So allow your space around you to be cleared of any energy. Set the tone, sage it out, spray it out. You know, if you're into sound, put on grounding present, clearing music. Make sure that it is flowing through those walls, sure that it is flowing through those walls. If you have a singing bowl, if you have a selenite wand, walk it around. Clear the space, open the door it's new moon today. Sweep it out. Right.
Christina:All of that magic said the intention. The interesting thing about that I saw someone actually was talking about, you know, putting cinnamon on the blowing cinnamon out the door as a manifestation, practice and stuff and kind of being like, well, what's that? Intentions matter. So when you set the intention of clearing your space, you are clearing your space. So don't worry about doing it right wrong half. You're clearing your space.
Christina:You're clearing your space and then you're going to want to acknowledge the how you're feeling. If you're going there's, there's a weight here, there's a heaviness here, and I don't know what that is. Acknowledge it and then what you're going to do from that radiant, energetic boundary space, that glowing, loving space, with that love flowing from you, you're going to surround that collective consciousness with love, shower it with love. Imagine the light radiating from your field, illuminating that collective consciousness, surrounded in light, literally. Just fill, if you imagine that snowball of collective consciousness barreling down the hill, building up momentum. Imagine it glowing with loving light, get your angels on it, get your team on it, get your sense of God on source, on it, fill it with light Because the opposite of fear is love, the opposite of fear is love.
Christina:And, as Abraham Hicks would like to say, people focused on the positive, on love, are a million times stronger than that focused on fear. So, if filled with heartache or grief or fear or anxiety or a sense of heaviness over anything that's happening in collective consciousness right now, surrounded in love, because your energy matters and you know it's a fascinating thing I've found that when you have even collective consciousness, even if you have millions of people focused on one story and one energy and that's building and building and building. One person brings light and love into that scenario and showers it and then returns to their energetic boundaries so they're not diving and swimming in it, but just surrounds it in love and light. It lessens the heaviness, it lightens it. It might not take it away, but it lightens it. You matter. You know, it's a fascinating thing because I've seen too often in this last five years polarized conversations, what's good, what's not good, what is harmful, what is healthy, what is. And it's always so interesting because I'm not like you know, I keep an open mind and go. Well, who knows what is there? Was that thing wasn't there where people were talking about. You know, you have red ants and black ants and when they live together they will live peacefully in a jar until someone shakes the jar and then they'll fight to the death and I will say who's shaking the jar? I think there's a lot of jars being shaken. So within that I go.
Christina:If you are focused on any element of the collective consciousness in fear, quite honestly, if it's without love, without doing your part of shining out love into a situation, you're either well, in all honesty, you're either shining light onto a situation and doing your bit to transform it, or you're resisting it and what resists persists. So what, then? You have your own energetic boundary in place, you are radiating out as yourself, you are feeling your own resonance, your own energy is beaming out, and then you are sending out love to surround those you care for. And, as we've talked about expanding out, filling up the space, filling up your room, your street, your world as you know it, and then directing it to situations that feel intense to you. You know it and then directing it to situations that feel intense to you.
Christina:But then there's the next question about collective consciousness. What about creating a different collective consciousness? And that's where we see the importance of building and connecting with like-minded people, connecting with communities that stand beside, resonating as a love. And it's really something that I'm diving into deeper and deeper, as you know, through the Energy Reset Circle, as I help and connect with all of the amazing women there, as we focus on our own inner alignments, and I am providing tools to help support your own inner alignment.
Christina:And then that next step is that we, as a new collective, as a different collective, together support each other and support the light that we're radiating out, if every individual person has the intention of radiating out their own love and again infusing that with love rather than empowering the fear. And if that love can then be directed to that snowball that we're talking about and that snowball then becomes less powerful for your individual light, then what happens when, together, we are sending out that same intention that we as individuals are radiating out as love and radiating out as light, without judgment? This isn't about who's in the snowball and who is not, and who is more conscious than another person. It has nothing to do with any of that, because as soon as you enter into that narrative of judgment, you are lowering your frequency and are no longer resonating as your deepest aligned self of love. So the key to this is is to be focused on love, hold space for wherever people are at focus on your love shining out, and then knowing that when you are with a collective group of people who are with that same intention, then that love and light is all the brighter and you are actually forming a different collective consciousness. It's a powerful thing when you think of, like the clubs we have in the world right Of wherever you are in the world and whatever situation you're in, from parenting to business, to entrepreneur, to women, to whatever world you are focused in, there's always clubs that attribute to that. And so what happens if we use that natural tendency of humans to collect with each other and connect with each other and become community? What happens if we actually do that from a soul light, from a heart-centered intention of love, knowing that each individual is actually where they're at and each individual is resonating out as themselves in that collective? To me, that's what it feels like. With the new perspectives we're forming the new norm. This is what we're resonating with, so as that, it's vitally important to connect to the people who are grounding into their own alignment.
Christina:I have to say that's one of the things I'm so passionate about with in witnessing the growth of the Energy Reset Circle, my membership program. Not only are you receiving tools that help you align to your own self and really connect to who you are. This isn't about feeling like you have to be a certain way or should be a certain way, but instead it is about aligning to who you really are. And you know we're not sitting there talking politics. We're not sitting there talking about the hot topics, because who you are, in your opinion, is yours. Rather, it's about aligning to your own self, tapping into your own self, but knowing that everyone there are doing the same as well, and together we are putting more light into the world.
Christina:So, by all means, I highly, highly encourage you to check us out. I invite you with my whole heart to come join us, because the energy reset circle membership is is diving deep into connection with who you really are and knowing that each person in that is doing the same thing is doing the same thing. There's power in focusing on the light and even when you consider the incredible stories of people who have gathered together, prayed together, shone light together, meditated together, connected together, intended love together, it truly can change the world, and yet it still starts with your own individual alignment and your own energy. I'm sending you all my deepest love and light and heart-centered connection. Thank you for being all you are. Be well.