Showing Up Whole
Welcome to Showing Up Whole!
If you’re tired of constantly trying to figure out how to integrate spirituality, self-care, and mindful living into your busy life, only to feel like you’re getting nowhere—you’re in the right place. This podcast is all about helping you align your mind, body, heart, and spirit so you can show up whole in your everyday life—without feeling like you’re running a three-ring circus.
Hosted by Christina Fletcher, you’ll receive practical tools for conscious living, spirituality, and mindfulness. With lighthearted stories, insightful learning moments, and powerful interviews featuring leading experts in mindfulness, spirituality, mindset, and practical magic, this show offers inspiration and guidance for your spiritual and human journey.
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Showing Up Whole
What Shapes Your Reality? Attention, Fear, and Positivity with Nicole Terrell
Ever wondered how your focus shapes your reality? In this episode, we explore how attention and perception influence our lives with, subconscious transformation coach and certified hypnotherapist, Nicole Terrell.
From social media algorithms like TikTok or Facebook to the universe’s mysterious ways, we reveal how what you pay attention to can amplify your chosen reality. We also discuss the challenge of staying authentic in a world driven by mainstream narratives.
Discover how shifting your focus to what uplifts and inspires you can create a more fulfilling life.
Nicole and I share practical tips for reducing fear’s grip, whether it comes from global events or media overload.
Learn how to consciously direct your energy, avoid being consumed by fear-driven narratives, and create balance. We delve into:
- The power of echo chambers and their influence.
- The importance of nervous system regulation for emotional well-being.
- Finding harmony between individuality and community in personal growth.
Inspired by Pollyanna’s “glad game,” we discuss how storytelling and positivity can transform your outlook.
Through collective meditation, compassion, and inner alignment, we explore how focusing on love and positivity can ripple out to those around you, making life more joyful and connected.
What You’ll Learn in This Episode
- How attention shapes reality.
- Practical tools to overcome fear and negativity.
- The role of meditation and mindset in personal growth.
- How focusing on positivity impacts your life and the world.
Whether you’re looking to break free from fear, strengthen your connection to positivity, or explore the balance between individual and collective growth, this episode will inspire you to shift your focus toward a more enriching reality.
Nicole Terrell is a subconscious transformation coach and hypnotherapist, helps entrepreneurs break free from limiting beliefs and align their subconscious with their desires. Inspired by her life-changing experience with hypnosis over 20 years ago, she blends hypnosis, manifestation, and identity work to guide clients toward alignment and fulfillment. Nicole’s supportive approach clears fear and stagnation, empo
Christina Fletcher is a Spiritual Alignment coach, energy worker, author, speaker and host of the podcast Showing Up Whole.
She specialises in practical spirituality and integrating inner work with outer living, so you can get self development off of the hobby shelf and integrated as a powerful fuel to your life.
Through mindset, spiritual connection, intuitive guidance, manifestation, and mindfulness techniques Christina helps her clients overcome overwhelm and shame to find a place of flow, ease, and deep heart-centered connection.
Christina has been a spiritual alignment coach, healer and spiritually aware parent coach for 7 years and trained in Therapeutic Touch 8 years ago. She is also a meditation teacher and speaker.
For more information please visit her website www.spirituallyawareliving.com
Want to uncover where you need the most energy alignment?
Take her new Energy Alignment Quiz to identify which of your energetic worlds (mind, body, heart or spirit) needs aligning the most!
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Hi everybody and welcome back to Showing Up Whole the place where we discuss alignment in mind, body, heart and spirit in every aspect of our lives. And today we are diving deep into we don't know what yet I am here with my good friend, nicole Terrell, and what we are we've actually you're catching us mid-conversation. We decided to share this with the rest of you because we are talking all about, well, the matrix, multiple realities and how actually we are living in multiple realities with different perspectives, and how that is deeply affecting our lives at this moment. So we are going to dive in and we are going to talk about how we are all different, walking different ways of life, living through different realities, and those realities are actually created by what we're focusing on. Hi Nicole, where do we begin now.
Speaker 2:How do we pick this up? Yeah, I'm really I'm excited to dive into this conversation because, you know, I think maybe it was a couple weeks ago you and I had what felt like one of my first safe places of conversation where I could share what I knew, and really genuinely how much I don't know, because it feels like it's a scary place out there to admit that you don't know anything or to admit that maybe you believe something that others don't believe and yet you don't know how to back it up and all of that stuff. And so I think so many of us are out here questioning, but also being a little intimidated to question openly, which genuinely limits what we get to know, if we're going to be quiet about what we're wondering.
Speaker 1:I love the way you introduced that honestly, because I think that is what we are facing so much of, especially over the last five years this place where you want to be curious and you want to be expansive and you want to follow your heart and you want to follow your own truth and yet, if you speak up on that to anyone, you feel like you are smashed down, you feel like you are judged, you feel like you are wrong.
Speaker 1:It's like this over the last and I mean maybe it's the last 20 years, maybe it's like this over the last and I mean maybe it's the last 20 years, maybe it's the last, maybe it's always been. You know, it's like you're supposed to trust the narrative you're fed and you know something that always comes up whenever I'm talking to people about. You know, listening to narratives. Back in canada and like world I, you had a huge amount of Canadian soldiers who went over to fight because they'd heard a story about a ship crossing that was bombed and it held loads of women and children, and then they found out later on, after a huge amount of Canadian soldiers got killed, that that actually never happened.
Speaker 2:Wow.
Speaker 1:And so it's always been there. But what is fascinating now with the wake of social media is that you can have that path of mainstream media and you can have other paths of what's known as quote unquote conspiracy theories. And you even use that of like. We were talking about TikTok and you said to me it's like, oh well, it's full of conspiracy theories. And I was like that's funny, my TikTok's not full of conspiracy theories. And it's like, but even still that broad term conspiracy theories. You go and then there's this other gray area. But everyone who follows a certain area believes that that is the truth.
Speaker 2:Right, and that's that's the thing it's like, whether they're conspiracy theories or not, if I have given my attention to that topic, then that's what's going to be shown to me, and and that was what got us kind of fired up about this conversation in general, because it was like oh, that's true in you know, the complexity of algorithms that feed us, what we show them we want to see. But that's also true in universal creation. It's like what you focus on grows. It becomes your reality if you choose to focus on it long enough. And isn't it really just so unbelievably metaphorical that within that container of reality, then we have this additional container of reality that shows us exactly that.
Speaker 1:Yes, exactly, and it's funny because a little while ago I heard someone talking about how the universe is actually an algorithm and I thought that was the first spot that I went oh, this is such a great comparison because it's like you have this situation where you know wherever you put your attention, that is what will grow. So if you click on one video about my husband, the other day he put on a video about like rollercoaster rides and it was like a video about like riding a rollercoaster. He doesn't like rollercoasters, but he's been like taking these jobs. Well, now his feed is filled with these rollercoaster rides or bungee jumping or it's like all the same theme. And you were talking about like one conspiracy theory that you happen to look at your TikTok feed. Everything fuels that one thing the minute. And what people don't realize about TikTok actually is that TikTok knows how to measure your eye movements. I don't know if you knew this.
Speaker 2:I didn't. I'm actually very new to TikTok.
Speaker 1:Okay, so it knows how, when you're on TikTok, if you it under, it can recognize whether your pupils grow larger or smaller, which means whether you actually are enjoying the video you're watching, and so it will show you more of that video type.
Speaker 2:I love this. Well, my experience with TikTok is like my daughter it could be said as somewhat of a stoner and she would send me funny stoner videos and so whenever I would get on TikTok that would be what I would see and I'm like, well, isn't that curious. But then I started watching it for myself a little bit here and there, kind of curious, curious. And and then, um, that was when the, the p diddy thing hit my feed and down the rabbit hole I fell for the next 72 hours and then I went holy moly, I've got to get out of here, yeah. But then I was sitting with my son the other day and he was saying well, what his TikTok feed is full of is those where it's like a video of of someone playing a video game, with like a separate video on top where it's telling a story, like I don't even know how to categorize this.
Speaker 1:No, absolutely no. It's amazing to watch how everyone's social media feed is different. And then I mean there might be people listening to this and they're like well, that's why I stay away from social media. It's fake news. This is not what you're supposed to be focused on. But then you go. Well, actually I know here. If you look at newspapers here in the UK, each one of them has a different political affiliation and it's been known that way for years. So whenever you read a newspaper of a certain affiliation, it will tell you one angle of the story specific to what they want you to believe. So it's always been there a little bit. But as soon as you head up into social media, then it's amplified because you're only going to see one side. It's an echo chamber.
Speaker 2:Right, it's literally. Your feed is then customized to you specifically, and so you get to live in this reality that you're literally creating with each you know, swipe up or down or whatever you're doing. And it makes me think of that theory that will sometimes be discussed, where it's like is there an actual reality? Or like is the world we live in literally just our own creation? And like do you even exist or are you just like my own creation?
Speaker 1:Well, but actually, if you wanted to push that a little bit, which you could, because, honestly, we often say in self-development that people, your relationships, like you, people will perceive you more as a reflection of themselves. So you can have different experiences with people and someone might be like, no, no, no, that's a great guy. And you'll be like, no, he's not, that's a horrible guy. And it's like, no, I know that guy. And it's like, yeah, I know that guy. And it will be totally different experiences based on your perceptions, your stories, your reactions, their reactions to you. It's a co-creation, for sure, but there's going to be a like a chemical reaction to two people coming together and those reactions might be totally different. So, yeah, oh my God, go ahead.
Speaker 2:No, like that literally just made me think of so I'm. I've been single for four years and occasionally I will have a date that is so off the charts incredible. And then sometimes those guys do not reciprocate and I'm like I don't understand it. It was so magical and I came across this post the other day. Well, I was really unpacking it because I had a recent scenario where the person forgot about that I ever existed and I was like what did I love so much about that? And I realized, oh my God, it's me. I was so magical in that collaboration, of that experience and, holy crap, I loved myself in that moment. So I just need to find people where I get to be that version of myself. And then, lo and behold, someone sends me an Instagram reel that is like a woman saying ladies who are cute, fun gals are always going to fall in love a little too hard. And it's because you are a cute, fun gal and you have a great conversation. And I was like, oh my God, reality created me.
Speaker 1:That's right. It's funny because my daughter actually just went through an experience like that and she realized that in her past relationship she was like I really liked who I was. She's like I just I love being in a relationship, so that was fun liked who I was. It's like I just I love being in a relationship, so that was fun. Like it's so true because and that's not to say that we are our own universes is to say that where your attention goes, energy flows. So when your attention is going into having a good time, having good connections, having fun, having that flowing conversation, and that's where your attention is going, of course that's where the energy is going to flow and so within that, you're going to create a good experience for yourself.
Speaker 1:But I also want to kind of rewind back to what you were talking about, about how it really is this like fascinating space where we are creating our own storylines.
Speaker 1:And right now we're really experiencing that in this, this time of of deep divide across the world. You know, across across the world, where and it's been a long time coming, like you know, during COVID we saw a lot of divide and we saw a lot of mixed belief structures and it was fascinating. I was telling you how, like during COVID in my membership program, it was like a question of everyone having different beliefs, everyone having different concepts, everyone having different measurements of concern and different ways of dealing with that, and yet it was always interesting to facilitate an open space where everyone is allowed their own perceptions. Yes, but here I think, four years down the road, everyone started on one track, believing certain things, their feeds. They've been researching things online, which means that social media feeds are filling in the gaps. They're seeing more to confirm and it's leading to different rabbit holes in different directions. The reality fabric is becoming tighter for each person's reality, if that makes sense.
Speaker 2:Wow, that was so perfectly said. Okay, I'm glad it made sense.
Speaker 1:It's just it's. It's like one thing leads to the next, thing leads to next. It's like when you said, oh, you went down the P Diddy thing and then P Diddy led to oh, this conversation, this conspiracy theory, and oh, you, if you're interested in that, you'd probably be interested in this, and oh, if you're interested in this, it's probably going to be. That's what people don't realize. It's not just one story.
Speaker 2:It's like oh, suddenly my full-time job is like studying all the you know scary things going on in the world and I had to remind myself I can't do anything about that stuff and I cannot afford to put my own life on hold for that stuff.
Speaker 1:Yes, exactly, and it's a fascinating thing to watch how it hooks us in based on our initial interest or, interestingly enough, if you're not careful, your initial fear. You know, like you have an initial fear, you introduce that fear. You know, like you have an initial fear, you introduce that fear, something latches in to you and then you watch and you get sucked in. It's funny, you know, because it was really interesting and actually this is like a personal share in this. It's like, you know, we had the COVID epidemic and that or pandemic and it.
Speaker 1:You know, my husband and I we've always been into natural health. We kind of went OK, well, you know, this is how we'll negate through this and we kind of had our plan. It didn't really shake our reality. But then the cost of living crisis quote unquote hit and I went, oh, that's our Achilles heel, that is the one that will suck us in and swoop us up. And it was a fascinating thing to watch the tug of war take place, where, all of a sudden, we had to watch our fear narrative versus our well-being narrative and watch that push and pull. And I was very, very careful not to watch any cost of living videos.
Speaker 2:Well, yeah, and that's the thing, and sometimes it might catch you off guard, because I'm someone who knows like I don't watch Law Order SVU that will send me down rabbit holes. I used to get involved in a marathon of that when my older kids were younger, and then I'd make them sleep with me. They were no longer allowed to sleep in their own room because I got scared. And so when you said that fear thing, it's like just the tiniest spark that catches brains like trigger to keep an eye out for danger, and then you, then you become all consumed with it because you need to know, because it feels like your survival is dependent on knowing.
Speaker 1:Exactly. It's funny that you should mention that because, honestly, I remember, not that long ago, I watched one of Kenneth Branagh's Hercule Poirot murder mysteries so like murder on the Orient Express right Movie and I grew up watching murder mysteries and I finished watching this murder mystery and I had such a traumatic response I had to get my husband to walk me to the bathroom because I was just like this reminds me of all my childhood fear I'm so getting murdered downstairs, I'm going to die. But that's the kind of thing it snowballs and we don't realize that we have seeds of fear within us and then something will feed into that. So what's our first response to do? And we're not talking about right now because people are this started like years ago that we kind of had this trajectory of fear narrative. So what happens is you get that seed of fear and the first thing is oh, I need to protect the people I love and I need to protect myself, because that's what we do as humans. And then. So then what do we do? We research it.
Speaker 2:Right, and what's so interesting about that seed of fear is, like you know, the, you know, I don't know billions upon billions of dollars that go into making these businesses, say social media businesses or media businesses successful is a deep awareness of psychology, and so they understand that, if they can plant that, seed of fear they've got our attention Exactly, and we do not live and this is really hard for people to hear, because we want it to be.
Speaker 1:We want to know that the government and the media are taking care of ourselves. That's what we would like to believe. We were raised to believe that, and the truth of the matter is is it's not the case. There is big money involved in media and there is big money involved in all of this. So you're right A hundred percent. This is not. You're not. Everything is not the truth, and that goes on every story we're reading. Like I said to my mom the other day, I'm like somewhere along the line in the last five years I've turned cynical. You know, I go, I watch something and I go, but really I see something and I go. Well, that's one side of the story.
Speaker 2:Who knows, it's the infiniteness of the many facets that go into a story. And you know, and you can see that even in your own personal life, where, like say, there's like a tiff between two people, own personal life where like say, there's like a tiff between two people, and if you can really like look at it from multiple angles, you can see like each person has a truth that is genuine truth. And so therefore, and you know, that makes me, I actually was having a conversation with a friend the other day and she was saying how she has a friend, her and her friend fall on the opposite lines of the belief system, the voting, and they had done a little thing. I thought it was really remarkable where they separately sat and like wrote out what they really cared most about, what mattered to them and what their you know what their deepest intentions were, and when they compared notes it was the same.
Speaker 1:Oh my God, that's an amazing story.
Speaker 2:Yeah. And so it's like, rather than thinking, these people that are living these parallel things and they're on the opposite side, it's like, no, what if you're not on the opposite side? What if you just have different views of how to get to that outcome that everybody wants?
Speaker 1:Yes, and that is such a powerful place to take the conversation because really you go.
Speaker 1:What if you take those seeds of fear?
Speaker 1:Because if people are wanting something, it's because they have the lack of that want.
Speaker 1:So, or if they want something or they wish for something, then it's because they're scared that they don't have it. So therefore, then they believe or have researched and are on that quest based on what they are trying to work maybe against or work for right, like there's a definite quest forward in that Right, like there's a definite quest forward in that. So in that understanding that the common desires of security, safety, stability, well-being, freedom, health it's all the same desires, yeah, and that, no matter where you are in, and I mean like politics, definitely fits into that it's like it's silly to like totally ignore the elephant in the room when it's all they're talking about online, but at the same time and I mean it's silly also to suggest that even something happening in America right now isn't affecting everybody worldwide, considering my daughter literally just had a whole thing about it in the university that she's in in London, but we mentioned on the conversation earlier that it started a long time ago you know Right, it's more than just this one topic.
Speaker 1:Yes, because social media and actually I don't even like saying it's social media, because the thing is that there are certain foundational factions, I suppose of this that would actually say, yeah, see, social media is bad, we should get rid of it. It's like, no, we're not saying that. We're not saying that because then you're only left with. Social media is a wonderful, wonderful thing, you know, like as I have met.
Speaker 2:I mean, how, how could you not believe that, as we sit here having this conversation, that we literally never would have crossed paths? Exactly, we have met on social media.
Speaker 1:Um, and when you consider the fact that we are able to be curious about different things and meet like-minded people, you know, like I, as someone who you know has practiced, you know spirituality as an individual path in a mystical path. I was, you know, for years on that. Starting on that path, I thought that I had to be alone to do that, because how are you going to find a community when you are a mystic, which is supposed to be an individual path? How do you find a community in that? And then, all of a sudden, it's like well, actually find it on Facebook. Right, it's Facebook, so let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater. There's amazing things here, but what's scary is that people aren't realizing that it is an echo chamber. My Facebook feed is filled with people practicing spirituality, practical spirituality, mysticism, positive thinking. That's who enters my life. My feed is entirely different.
Speaker 2:My Instagram is filled with cats. I just not even stop seeing cat videos, no matter how hard I try, because that's what brings me joy.
Speaker 1:Yes, and so that, and it's so, you know, the longest while, like last winter, I was watching loads of friends clips on Instagram because I was just like that would make me laugh. I was like this is you know, it was the middle of winter, I wanted to laugh. So Facebook friends big clips were great. It took me months to be like I think I've seen the entire series in like two minute clips. This is like multiple times. This is getting silly. So different show, different show, but that's the way this works. We are in echo chambers and if you run into someone who you totally disagree with their perspective, it's really important to ask yourself whether your desires are the same, whether your fears are the same, whether your foundations are the same, and then ask yourself whether they've just gone down a different echo chamber than you and so, therefore, they hold a totally different perspective.
Speaker 2:Right, yes, and is it possible that both perspectives have elements of truth and elements of not truth?
Speaker 1:Well, I mean honestly, I think, probably, I think we can totally answer right away that there's a lot of not truth in probably all of it, because, again, we've acknowledged that there are ulterior motives for the posting. You know there's ulterior motives of what's being fed a lot of the time, um. So therefore it has to be approached with a certain level of curiosity and poked around with a stick and asked what proof, like singular proof, do we have that this is true?
Speaker 2:yeah, yeah, I mean it's, it's, uh, it makes me think of byron katie. Like just the simple question is this true? Can I absolutely 100 know that this is true? Yes, you know, if you want very honest with those questions, you realize the answer is typically no.
Speaker 1:Yes, and it's interesting because something that I've been talking to a lot of people this week about is when you are in that fearful state especially by either what you're reading, by what you're digesting, by what you're judging, by what you're projecting like anything that's not in your moment, what you're projecting like anything that's not in your moment it's really important to regulate your nervous system, to get really calm, probably get outside and put away your phone, like get outside.
Speaker 2:Yes, but come up for air.
Speaker 1:Come up for air and go oh yeah, yeah, get outside and then check in with your heart, Hands on heart, feel into the state of well-being and get yourself really into that state of in this moment in time. You are well, you are safe, you have a roof over your head. Everything in this very moment is well. So what happens? Knowing that if, where attention goes, energy flows because actually let's, let's claim the power in ourselves that actually says well. If we are all in echo chambers, where we are seeing the world that we put our attention on and seeing the ripple effects of where we put our focus, do you feel like you are continually seeking, trying to embody, to heal, to fix and show up, but you always find yourself running on empty? Let's look at finding you more energetic alignment. There's a good chance that one of your energetic worlds either your mental, emotional, spiritual or physical is out of balance and with the right practice, you'll have you back in flow in no time.
Speaker 1:I'm Christina Fletcher, an energy alignment coach, and I want you to know that self-development doesn't always have to be another trip down a rabbit hole. Rather, let's figure out where your flow is blocked and go from there. Check out my free quiz over at spirituallyawarelivingcom backslash quiz and find out where you do need more energetic alignment. Then we can explore what simple practice will give you that shift. None of us are in alignment all the time, so let's get you what you need to be back in flow wherever you need. Where do you want to put your focus? Because then that means it ripples out? Yeah.
Speaker 2:And like where do you have the most power? It makes me think of like when my daughter first turned 21 and she would go to the club and I would literally like wake up every 30 minutes to check my phone to see her location, because somehow that felt like that was me being. I needed to know, like I couldn't not know. Is she driving home yet? Is she going to make it safe? And then you know. And then it started to occur to me that it was doing literally no good whatsoever for me to be like attached to the exact location that she was at and that I needed to surrender and like trust she'd make it.
Speaker 2:And I also think of. There was this one time where a bunch of bills came out and my account was $600 overdrawn and I was freaking out. And then I came to this practice of like okay, well, I do currently have a place to sleep in, there is currently food in my house, my kids are safe at home. Even in those moments where it does feel like it's so dire that we might be crushed under it, the truth is, if we look at right, in this instant, we're probably safer than you know, and of course, there are moments where we're not safe, but for the most part we're probably safe.
Speaker 1:Yeah, absolutely. And there's also an interesting thing, because what I think happens too is that we forget about the echo chamber, makes us feel like we're alone in the issue. The echo chamber makes us think that it's ours to figure out and forget about the connection of other people, the people that will all of a sudden, the people that the universe will use to actually create magic in our lives. When we're open to the magic Like that's what so often gets forgotten in those moments and when we're in fear, we feel alone, right, and that's why often in times of fear, people will shut everybody else out, you know, and kind of sit rocking alone on their sofa, which we've all had those moments. We've all had the moments where we're going to sit rocking alone on our sofas. But it's amazing what happens when you actually open up for the universe to connect the dots with people out in the world real life, real life. So in that and I mean I, I it's fascinating like how, how this grows out and we kind of can, can see it go from like one moment being like about fear over money and reminding ourselves how safe we are in that moment because that's so true, like we've talked about that.
Speaker 1:That's like, okay, what's actually working? That's like you know, use your five senses, what do you notice? Like regulate your nervous system and be safe in your moment, because then, where attention goes, energy flows from that safe position. If you're radiating out safety, then the algorithm, the universal algorithm, yes, like the universe one. Or the yeah exactly. Well, like, if you are focused on feeling safe, then the universe has to deliver safety, just like your Facebook if you are looking towards. I was looking at grounding sheets the other day and now all I see is everything about grounding sheets anyway. So, yeah, it's like the algorithm picks up. Whatever you are telling the story of, you will find proof.
Speaker 2:Yes, which really kind of like gives the power back to us to say what story do we want to tell.
Speaker 1:Yes, exactly, which is really the book.
Speaker 2:It's a pretty decent story to tell.
Speaker 1:They're really cool. I've just been trying to find a really good deal and I keep getting offers. That's how it works, and it's so funny because it's like every single time, we're still in that space of not fully believing it. Right, like how often, how often over like the last five years, do we go open our Facebook and go, oh my God, google really is listening? It's like, yes, oh my God, google really is listening. It's like, yes, we've learned this, we have the proof, but it's still wow, because it's so.
Speaker 2:Those are the things that remind us of the power of our focus in technology, speaking of stories that we can tell ourselves or not tell ourselves about that, we could say, oh my God, isn't that scary. That's such a terrifying, you know, violation of our privacy. Or we can say, wow, like I was Googling one day because I kept binge eating emotionally and I was trying to figure out what I could drink or eat to clear out the binge because I had all this shame. And then I went on Instagram and found the exact course from a woman about the emotional reasons of a binge episode and I went, oh wow. Well, if that isn't the perfect solution that I actually needed, versus like, what kind of charcoal supplement do I need to take so that I can stop feeling terrible about myself? Yes, absolutely, or the fear, but isn't it a little more empowering for our own energy if we choose to see the gift?
Speaker 1:Yes, exactly, focus in on this conversation that we're actually saying. The information that you're receiving on all things is usually filtered through, where the story that you actually want to see you might not necessarily know oh, isn't that interesting. You might actually not know that this is the story that you want to see, because some of it actually might be born out of your fear and you actually want to justify being scared subconsciously.
Speaker 2:Oh my gosh, If that doesn't feel accurate. But you know, you know that I don't know that old story that's like about the farmer and his son breaks his leg and all the town people say, oh, that's such a shame. And he says maybe, maybe not. And then, like I'm actually terrible about sharing stories but then his horse runs away and they say, oh, what a shame. And he says maybe, maybe not. And then a herd of horses comes back and it all comes down to like you could look at it one way or the other, and why? Why define it as bad or good, you know, depending on, like, the reality that you're wanting to live in.
Speaker 1:Yes, absolutely, and it's like for a lot of people listening to that. They might be like, but you have to tell the truth. If you break your leg, that's bad because you're in pain. Yes, but it's interesting because it goes back to, like Pollyanna. I don't know if you ever read the book Pollyanna or, like saw the movie Pollyanna.
Speaker 2:I loved the movie.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so good. I love that movie. But you know the idea that you know like she played the glad game and it was always like you know, always find something and anything to be glad about, because you know it just makes your life better. And it's so funny because you know like whenever you talk positive thought with people, so often they'll be like oh, yeah, like Pollyanna, and it's like, yes, but that's not like an insult. It's like, oh, you're such a Pollyanna, it. It's like, yes, but that's not like an insult. It's like, oh, you're such a Pollyanna, it's like thank you.
Speaker 2:That's good. I'm in charge of my overall mood.
Speaker 1:Yes, and you know there's the whole thing that one Christmas there was the charity that would donate to her and her family and she ended up, really, she really, really wanted the doll. I mean, I'm sure you know this story, but she really wanted the doll. She, I mean I'm sure you know this story, but she really wanted the doll, she really wanted the doll. And then she opened up her present and it was a pair of crutches. And her father turns to her and he's like, well, you still play the glad game. And she's like, well, what do I have to be glad about? And he's like, well, at least you don't need to use them. It's like, wow, that's a stretch man.
Speaker 2:It is a stretch. That's when you start to think about people saying like things are going really wrong. But wow, I woke up today. Yes, isn't that a blessing.
Speaker 1:Yes, exactly, and you go. I mean it's interesting because over this last week after the election, I've been talking to people of saying get outside. You know, I sat, I stood outside yesterday and I just listened to the birds in the trees yesterday. And I just listened to the birds in the trees and you know, like winter birds are coming here in the UK and it's like robin season and I'm really excited because I love to get my bird feeders out and I love to attract as many birds as I can and like to me. I was just like, oh my god, listen to that. I was like standing outside for ages, just like listening to the birds and it was so unbelievably grounding because it calls you back in your moment.
Speaker 2:It's interesting because you know, I heard someone say the other day a good friend of mine she was like she had seen some psychologists say that when you get up in the morning, don't pick up your phone until you've stepped outside. That feels like such a simple, a simple action. Yes, because I always try to go the route of like don't pick up your phone until noon, or not for the first hour, or all these like arbitrary rules that I inevitably break, but I feel like I feel like that's more of a focus on what not to do. Yeah, but going slide first feels like, oh, I could do that actually.
Speaker 1:Well, and it's actually. And what's amazing is that when you actually do do it because ever since she said that, I've been really aware of that what's amazing is you step outside and you go oh yeah, real world. Oh, look ground beneath my feet. Oh, look, sky, like it's, like it's Well, sky. And then it probably delays the need to pick up the phone anyway, exactly, exactly, and it's an amazing thing to observe yourself in those two realities. Because the thing is is that when you pick up your phone, when you're on and I'm going to throw in if you pick up a paper, when you pick up anything from the outside world that's feeding you information, you are reentering the echo chamber, and that's fine. Enter your echo chamber, but do it consciously and be aware that other people are in other echo chambers. Do feel like those other echo chambers are the solutions to the same fears that you have or the same desires that you have. They've just gone down different rabbit holes to see different responses.
Speaker 2:Right, like they're living in what feels like their own truth, just like you are living in what feels like your own truth.
Speaker 1:Exactly, and a lot of people listening to this might be like yeah, but what about the real truth? How do you know what the real truth is? And actually, anyone listening to this is likely okay, not everyone, but most people are going to be like no, no, no, no, no, this is shown, this is proven. This is what we know. This is shown, this is proven, this is what we know. And honestly, I think, going back to like the story you were telling and just say, say, well, maybe right, but the question is is, at a certain point, the person that stands out on the grass listening to the birds, what does any of the quote-unquote truth really affect her? As like, like you can't change anything, yeah, that's yeah.
Speaker 2:And and how much more power do you have from your little spot on the grass listening to the birds than you have diving into train gather?
Speaker 1:you know it's like when I finally let myself off the hook to solve the ditty case because nobody was asking me you were so close, nicole okay, me on the grass, and the grass is so much more capable of making a ripple effect in the world than me on the rabbit hole, trying to decipher everything yes, and I think we have to regain the faith in our own radiance as well as have the faith in the fact that, like, where we put our attention, where our attention goes, energy flows. I wrote a newsletter out the other day and I said this like three times. My husband reread it. He's like you do realize you've repeated this like three times. I'm like, but it's important, it's worth repeating.
Speaker 1:I know it was a conscious artistic choice, but where attention goes, energy flows. And if you are focusing on radiating out love and light and appreciation for every bird and every blade of grass and you are actually living in the state of loving presence, which is hard because none of us are living there all the time, so let's just actually do that as a little caveat. If you are living in that state, imagine what you're sending out in radiance out to the world and imagine in the algorithm of the universe what you are bringing back in, like you're just going to keep seeing that and seeing that and seeing that and seeing that and seeing that and sharing it with others and you will be called a Pollyanna, but you will keep building up the momentum of that version of yourself.
Speaker 2:And then keep in mind that you are not the only one doing that, and so imagine the ripple effect of millions of people doing that, because when we're focused on the fear, it seems like there's so much bad in the world, but the truth is is there's also so much good. There's so many people out here. You, me, the listeners we all have some power to contribute to the vibration that everybody experiences.
Speaker 1:Exactly. And what's worrisome honestly I'm not going to say scary, because we're not going to add to that what's worrisome is that people aren't aware that by focusing on the worst case scenarios, energy is flowing towards those. It's literally building momentum around. What you resist persists. We know all of this stuff. This is all quantum physics. This is scientifically proven stuff.
Speaker 1:So within that, ask yourself where is your attention going and how can you be more loving, how can you be more compassionate, how can you radiate out more love and how can you really resonate with the person who's standing on the grass, being whole in that moment? It's going to create such a ripple effect. You're right 100, it's. Yeah. It's interesting because years ago I listened to deepak chopra talk about this experiment that was done about people meditating and he had a group of people in a building meditating together and he measured I'm so not scientific, it was like hormone levels. It was like I think he measured the dopamine and the different hormone levels and serotonin, and he measured them before they meditated and then after they meditated and he realized them before they meditated and then after they meditated and he realized that after they meditated, everyone's levels of serotonin were higher and dopamine was higher and they were in a much better space. Now. The fun part of that is he also measured the people outside the building Before and after.
Speaker 2:The people who were not meditating their levels increased too yeah, because it it is a ripple and that it's funny that you brought that up, because that was literally the example I was thinking of when I mentioned us vibrating and contributing and those like experiments of bringing people together to meditate and how that can transform a whole town. Yes, and how you know, the larger it gets. The more of us that are taking ownership of the vibration that we are adding to the world, the better the world could be.
Speaker 1:Exactly, and so, in times of divide, we have to act rather than focusing on who's right, who's wrong. Where's the proof, going down the rabbit holes which is going to feed whatever perceptions you're on anyway, then the highest good comes when everyone stops consuming the fear and instead gets outside grounds, take cares of their own inner alignment and goes with the most love, the most loving compassion, Even if that just means, yeah, you can go sit, you know, rather than sitting on the sofa rocking back and forth instead, which we can all do. Instead, you're better off going and sitting alone and meditating on radiating out peace and love, and you are going to make a difference.
Speaker 2:People don't realize that, or take the next step and go have a conversation with somebody and hear where they're at and maybe suspend any expectations of like who you think they are, based on what choices you think they have, and just be curious, based on what choices you think they have, and just be curious and actually maybe release any need to categorize people into any labels or systems of belief or anything altogether, because really the engagement that you have with a person is actually the most important thing you can do, the most loving, the most caring.
Speaker 1:Actually, the most important thing you can do the most loving, the most caring, the most attempt to understand. You know, we used to live in a world, I think I would like to think that people you know, I remember being a university student and we would spend ages trying to figure out each other's perspectives. It was like a thing you know, even as a family. I remember sitting around my family's dinner table and having people over and my god, it would get so like emotional and so, like you know, loads of laughter as everyone tried to figure out the angle people were coming from and because each angle is a different language.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's like how many, how many amazing well-written stories are there where, like, they do it in a way where the villain becomes someone that you're almost rooting for because the truth is, is that like nobody's 100 bad and you know, and when you can try to understand or at least be curious about a perspective of that like you might not have otherwise known, wow, it enriches your experience of life.
Speaker 1:Yes, absolutely. I mean that that, to me, has always been my lifelong goal is to be able to see people's perspectives and to be able to and as a human design, I'm a projector, so therefore it's it's that's kind of my natural tendency to be able to go oh, oh, I get where you're coming from. Oh, interesting, okay, and it may be theater background too. You know like I'm studying characters. It's like, oh, that's so interesting, oh, I get it. Yeah, totally, but it's fascinating. It makes your life so much more rich when you can understand other people's perspectives and then wind back and say, okay, so that's totally good, I'm so glad that works for them, what works for me, and then return back to your own heart and your own gold. Okay, okay, we've ran the government, I think. I think. I think we've, we've fueled the fire of thought. I will say, and I've loved this conversation, this has been it. I think we tiptoed around this very, very well. I think we did deep ties. Do you have anything to add?
Speaker 2:oh, my, I don't, I don't think so. This felt like it. It really did um hit all the points that felt so important in really wanting to put out compassion and love for the high emotions that are going on right now.
Speaker 1:Yes, I agree, and I think it's also tiptoed into the reminder that we are actually all conscious, like we are all creators of our reality, in the sense that where you put your attention, that is the world you are living in. So, therefore, everyone has the conscious choice to put their attention on the world they want to live in, and the more people who choose love and light and goodwill and compassion, the more you will find and connect to the people and the more that will have a ripple effect. So, yeah, good, All right, and I'm sending you all my love and I love this.
Speaker 2:Thank you, that's so amazing.
Speaker 1:Thanks everybody for listening and talk to you soon.