Showing Up Whole
Welcome to Showing Up Whole!
If you’re tired of constantly trying to figure out how to integrate spirituality, self-care, and mindful living into your busy life, only to feel like you’re getting nowhere—you’re in the right place. This podcast is all about helping you align your mind, body, heart, and spirit so you can show up whole in your everyday life—without feeling like you’re running a three-ring circus.
Hosted by Christina Fletcher, you’ll receive practical tools for conscious living, spirituality, and mindfulness. With lighthearted stories, insightful learning moments, and powerful interviews featuring leading experts in mindfulness, spirituality, mindset, and practical magic, this show offers inspiration and guidance for your spiritual and human journey.
Thank you for being here - Let’s align and make the world a better place together.
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Showing Up Whole
Spirituality Simplified for a New Year: Exploring Alignment, Inner Peace, and Showing Up Whole for 2025
Welcome to Season 5 of Christina Fletcher's podcast: Showing Up Whole.
It's a new year and in this episode of a new season, Christina is leaning into understanding the new energy that's asking each of us to focus on inner alignment.
This episode invites you to explore the concept of being a luminary as we embrace the new year. By fostering our inner light and establishing energetic boundaries, we can connect more deeply with ourselves, enabling true manifestations and a richer relationship with the divine.
• Exploring the themes of clarity, connection, and inner alignment
• Emphasizing simplicity in thought and practice for personal growth
• Understanding the metaphor of the "glowworm" for radiating inner light
• Discussing manifestation as an emotional and energetic process
• Personal anecdotes regarding teaching our children about divine connection
• The necessity of creating energetic boundaries for self-protection
• Encouraging a shift from rigid goal-setting to a flow-based approach for 2025
• Inspiring listeners to find their authentic selves and radiate their unique light.
Simplifying Spirituality is no easy task, as Christina points out, it is attempting to use cognitive thought to define what can't be defined. However, by the end of this episode Christina hopes to inspire you with her own words of 2025: Curiosity, Joy and Luminary.
Christina Fletcher is a Spiritual Alignment coach, energy worker, author, speaker and host of the podcast Showing Up Whole.
She specialises in practical spirituality and integrating inner work with outer living, so you can get self development off of the hobby shelf and integrated as a powerful fuel to your life.
Through mindset, spiritual connection, intuitive guidance, manifestation, and mindfulness techniques Christina helps her clients overcome overwhelm and shame to find a place of flow, ease, and deep heart-centered connection.
Christina has been a spiritual alignment coach, healer and spiritually aware parent coach for 7 years and trained in Therapeutic Touch 8 years ago. She is also a meditation teacher and speaker.
For more information please visit her website www.spirituallyawareliving.com
Want to uncover where you need the most energy alignment?
Take her new Energy Alignment Quiz to identify which of your energetic worlds (mind, body, heart or spirit) needs aligning the most!
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Hi and welcome back to Showing Up Whole the place where we discuss alignment in mind, body, heart and spirit, in every aspect of our daily lives. Today we are launching into Season 5 of our show. It's the beginning of a new year. We might be one episode in, but still let us actually recommit to the practice and process of inner alignment so we can truly show up as ourselves. And this year, let's make it simpler than ever. It simpler than ever. Hi and welcome back.
Speaker 1:I can't believe that here we are on a fifth season. And you might say, christina, is this really a fifth season? Like, how did this divide up? And, quite honestly, I don't know. I just know that the fourth season was full of a little bit of turmoil and clunky and, as I am in the midst of January, energy which seems to be stretching out into this sense of unfolding and unfurling, I feel, called for recommitments, new beginnings and realigning. So what does that mean? Well, you find me actually at just the beginnings of the realignment of this podcast and while some professionals might say, christina, why don't you just take a pause and actually reflect on how you want to take it? I actually like to take, you want to take it. I actually like to take you along for the process and, quite honestly, the fact of the matter is is what I'm feeling deeply called to for this year of 2025. And even though we're only, you know, a couple of weeks in, I will tell you that this is where I am. I crave simplicity.
Speaker 1:I look back at the last five years of doing this podcast and I think about when it started. The midst of lockdowns, of pandemics. It came out of a calling to find grounding in a chaotic world. We all knew then that the world was changing and yet I think somewhere along the way over the last five years, it's like we've been shopping for the change. It's like we look around, going well, maybe this is the answer, or this is the answer, or maybe this is the answer. Maybe this will make things clearer, and I feel like 2025 is the year that it clicks, that the actual calling that we are all always receiving is to go within One of my words of the year, which, as you know from you know previous episodes I always find words of the year. It's part of my annual workshop that happens every year of how to actually fine-tune the frequency of how you want to feel by finding some specific words that resonate with that, easily fell into the openness of curiosity, which is one of my words, and while I leaped with eagerness at the word of joyful, which is another of my words, I spent some time cultivating and pondering a word that summed up how I truly wanted to feel from the inside out.
Speaker 1:This year, what I'm craving most for myself is a slowed-down version of what I've always practiced. I don't just want to plug into spirit and then run. I want to spend a little bit time going even deeper. I want to make sure that I am stoking my inner fire. I want to make sure that I am embellishing the sense of connection. I want to make sure that I'm not just grounded but my roots are so, so, so deeply anchored into the earth that I just feel the energy flowing back up from Mother Earth herself. I want to expand out and I want to feel my own growth within me and release any of that hesitation that might suggest I'm going too big or too strong.
Speaker 1:As I was pondering over this word, I discovered the concept of being a luminary, luminous luminary, still feeling around it, because it's still January. And as I ponder luminary, I go. This it's the image of what sums up how I want to feel the image of almost like a glowing light within you. That's where your focus is, for some reason. Unfortunately, everyone Gen Xers the idea of remember the glowworm toy that you used to get in the 80s, which you know. You'd hug its belly and it would glow up at night. There's a little bit of that in it. Where you actually go, I actually want to be a glowworm. Where you actually go, I actually want to be a glowworm. I want to foster and tend and nourish and replenish and savor my inner light so deeply that it glows and grows and permeates and radiates and expands out, radiates and expands out, and from that then, not only does it flow where people need it, not only do I truly become the lighthouse rather than a lifeboat, but I am also expanding as myself and learning new things. Hence the curiosity and joy. Hence the curiosity and joy.
Speaker 1:I truly believe that 2025 is a year of alignment, and not just in a way of the. I need to make sure that I am fully aligned so I can do the things. Rather, it needs to transform to. I will find alignment, I will align my energy, and I am fascinated to see what unfolds from there. Do you see the difference? It feels like we have been living in the same patterns for far too long, and I don't just mean personally, I mean the collective, I mean societies, I mean we are in an expanded universe and it feels like we are always trying to constrict it into how things have always been done, into how things have always been done, and my curiosity is leading me to wonder if there's other ways of doing things.
Speaker 1:What happens if we radiate out our light by tending our light, and the radiating out of your light is actually that's your attraction point. You know we talk a lot about manifestation and the law of attraction and we talk. This has been a theme that we discuss often on this podcast. We've had it through interviews. You've heard me speak about it if you've been listening to past episodes. Manifestation is something I'm very passionate about. I love talking manifestation and even that can go deeper. We you know I was offering the live workshop, the in-person workshop, of the Create an Intentional New Year last week and while we were there, we were talking about you know the words of the year and how they radiate out and how you want to feel and how.
Speaker 1:The more you feel something, the more it expands out, and the more it expands out, then, the more you start attracting the things that make you feel the way you want to feel. And that's the principles of law of attraction that your feeling space is magnetic, and so, therefore, you bring things in that feel the same way. And yet I'm incredibly curious about what you attract in when you're feeling the most yourself, when you actually drop all the pretenses and you drop all the shoulds and you drop all the roles and you've heard me talk about this before, but I want to take it even deeper still when you tap into your heart or you remember the moments that you just felt so incredibly present as yourself, they might just be flashes, flashes of insight where you just go. Oh, my goodness, I actually exploded by the expansion of myself and I just burst into tears because it felt so aligned as me, and then I picked up my old patterns and I became someone else again.
Speaker 1:What happens when you allow that to be the predominant force of yourself? What happens if the desires that you think you want actually are formed from that perspective? First, what does that version of yourself want? What is what do desire? What do they create, what do they grow into, what do they crave, what are they eager for? And you can't really know that until you're actually in the physical presence of that version of you. And I can hear you say Christina, I thought you were going to try to be more simple this year and I want to say that I'm not sure if there's any simpler way of doing this.
Speaker 1:The other day, my daughter came in you know, she's 21, and she came in and she was talking about her relationship with the divine. She came in and she was talking about her relationship with the divine and she was asking me for some books. You know she's like, because her concept was she's like. You know, I understand manifestation, I understand the universe, I understand, you know how my energy can work and my energy expands and I understand how I work, but I want something more, I want something deeper. And she's like, you know. I hear you talk about your relationship with the divine. I hear you talk about, like, writing letters to God, or your connection to the goddess, or your connection to the universe, and she's like. I hear you talk about angels and she's like what's that like? You talk to angels. So she's like I want to know what my connection with it that is, and I think I've probably been waiting my entire parenthood for one of my children to come and ask me that choice, which, you know, my pre-spiritually aware parenting brain hesitated at.
Speaker 1:As you know, when my girls were little, I was still reformatting my own stories within my head, away from more regulated religious concepts, and I remember the bold step of saying I'm actually not going to teach them how to connect to the divine. I will tell them that the divine is always there for them and loves them, but I will make sure that this is their integral journey. So I have been passionately curious and excited for them and eager to see the unfolding of their own relationships with that energy. They do manifest easily. They understand the power of their thoughts. They understand how to connect to their heart. They understand how to love, love, love, love, love, and they understand the deep power of appreciation. They understand that there is more to life than physical being. They understand the power of nature. They understand magic, and yet they don't talk about it much. It's not a public view, they don't have labels, and so it was an interesting thing to actually have her ask me for information.
Speaker 1:For information, because I realized that this is actually where I want to take my work to Back to the basics. Let's get basic, basic, basic. What does that mean? Well, we know that each of us are energetic beings. There is more to us than these physical bodies. We know that we are soul, or that can be a phrase or a term to call that energetic self, self. We know, if you just take fundamentals here, we know that this life really on this planet is one part of a journey. And then you go to the space where you actually leave cognitive understanding aside, because that's what all the different schools of thought, all the different religions, all of the different processes, all the different philosophies they are. It's like taking a bundle of energy and giving it different names and everybody experiences it slightly differently.
Speaker 1:So as she was asking me for books about this, I had to literally say okay. So number one thing is you actually need to ask out into the pool of energy how you interpret it. I was like journal, make sure that you go and you know, in meditation you can just ask. It's amazing how fast angels and source will respond. You ask to connect to a source of love, you ask for a different relationship with love and you will find that things ripple back to you. It is a wonderful echo system that occurs, and so I started there. And then I did find a few books. I was like, okay, so this one uses this language and this one uses this language and you might want to explore this language. So it was like a couple of Megan Watterson's Conversations with God, by Neil Donald Walsh a few. I mentioned a few novels, a few different ways of exploring the language you use for the divine.
Speaker 1:It has to be your journey, and that, to me, that is the power of this year, and that, to me, that is the power of this year. This year is where I believe the tools have been being put in place for a long time, no-transcript and it's time to heed that call and actually say right. So who am I? Not just in this physical form, not just in this lifetime, but my essence, my energy, my frequency, my soul path. How does it feel to be deeply myself and how do I be that more? There are, of course, a variety of ways that you can find that, and anyone who works with me as a coach, you know that that is what we do.
Speaker 1:We try things on. It's like okay, do you like it this way, do you like it that way? How about this? Does this hit? Does this make you feel more aligned to yourself? Does this make you feel more aligned to yourself? We clear out the clutter. We make sure that you are not weighed down by all of the layers that can stack on top of us that makes us feel like we do not deserve or can't even attempt to find the light that we each are, or can't even attempt to find the light that we each are. And that is my favorite thing to do with my clients, because it really does become this thing of right. Let's free you to be you and then let's get your wings soaring wide and let's make sure that you are feeling so present in yourself that you only attract the things that make you feel even more of yourself. And won't the world be a better place when you are expanded as yourself and your heart? Light is beaming out all over? Simple, yet we're getting there, okay. Simple, yet we're getting there, okay. I'm gonna give you a couple of seconds to just let all this simmer in and explore, and then let's let's let's talk a little bit about 2025. Let's talk a little bit about how we can actually reel this back and be more present, more grounded, more heart-centered into the new year.
Speaker 1:Are you tired of sifting through all of the tools and spiritual practices all on your own? The spiritual path can sometimes feel isolating, and yet it is your own unique journey that only you can take. But what if you could have a supportive, loving community with weekly focuses, uplifting and spiritually connecting meditations and energy healings at the very start of your week to support you on that journey? This is exactly what I provide for you in my Energy Reset Circle membership program. Every Sunday, members gather at 4 pm Eastern, 9 pm British time for a weekly focus, a meditation and a group healing. No worries if you can't make it live, though, as the replay is sent out directly afterwards as well as stored in your member portal. You also get access to the loving chat on WhatsApp, where you can ask questions, vent or request space from the members there to be held for any challenges in your life. You even get free access to all of my workshops included in your membership and, starting in 2025, courses and extra videos will be added to the portal on a regular basis, so you can tap in when you really need to Gathering from all corners of the world and from all backgrounds.
Speaker 1:The fundamental intention within the group is love and support. There's no judgment, no criticism. Advice is only shared when asked for. Rather, it's about your journey being fully supported. You will feel loved and cared for as you walk your path. The focuses, tools and practices I share are intentionally created to support your day-to-day. There's no pressure, no stress, just love. Currently, this magical place is actually only $27 a month, but as of early January, the cost has increased to $47 a month. Don't worry, if you join now, your price won't change. So come, join us over at the Energy Reset Circle. Check the link in the show notes or come visit spirituallyawarelivingcom for more information. I hope to see you soon.
Speaker 1:Okay, so over the summer last year, I offered a workshop about energetic boundaries, and I think it's an important thing to put in place here, because this is what this year is actually. This is. If we were going to focus on anything in the month of January, I would say this is where the priority needs to come. January is fascinating this year because no one is feeling like the new year has actually started and, while that might be true every year, it doesn't feel like we have the oomph to pretend that it has. So people are feeling more tired, they're feeling kind of achy, they're feeling a little disconnect. I still have to check the calendar to make sure I know what day it is. There is this sense of confusion over some of the things that have already happened in the world, because there is a lot of insanity out there and a lot of heartbreak. There is a sense of grappling and yet a sense of wondering whether that's actually the right approach. Wondering whether that's actually the right approach. So I'm inviting everyone in my community to tiptoe January very quickly and actually start seeing the new year as officially starting for Imblich on like February 1st, because really it doesn't need to be the rush that we've always taught it has to be. It doesn't need to be this. Finish the end of the year, plow forth, make sure you have all your goals in place and go, go, go. Masculine energy and masculine energetically driven goals are not working right now, so let's get back into a state of flow and a little bit more feminine balance and that's where I actually am saying energetic boundaries needs to be our number one focus.
Speaker 1:So what is an energetic boundary? An energetic boundary is, rather than seeing life as protection and needing to kind of shield yourself from everything so that you can take care of yourself, and you kind of push out everything else so that you can kind of, oh, I need to take care of myself. Instead, you focus on your inner light and you draw your attention to grounding, making sure that you are deeply rooted to the earth, making sure that your nervous system is regulated and that you feel present in yourself, finding your heart center and then, from there, imagining that light of yourself flowing out, your energy flowing out, and imagining the edge of your field. And the edge of your field becomes that boundary when I say the edge of your field, if. Imagine your aura like you see in pictures. Just imagine your aura as that boundary.
Speaker 1:So it's a boundary that comes out from you rather than you, something that you force in place and you have to deal with all the turmoil on the inside. It's. It's a radiant energy, it's a radiant boundary and it means it gives you space. When you create that like a bubble and you basically set the intention because intentions move fast now people, they move very, very fast you can set the intention and it's done so you just set the intention Okay, aura in place, my boundary, my space, that is set. Only love in, everything else out, and you walk in that bubble of yourself. Other people are allowed in that field, but only the ones that you let in intentionally. And even then your energetic space is one that you don't feel vulnerable in letting that collapse. It becomes just a flexible, fluid space that you reside in and from there you then find some peace. You then find some peace.
Speaker 1:The reason why I'm saying this is actually a really important thing to be working on in January and even February as well, is because there's so much energy out there. There's a lot of fear, there's a lot of anger, there's a lot of confusion, there's a lot of people, there's a lot of people. Let's even just keep it light. There's a lot of people, there's a lot of people. Let's even just keep it light. There's a lot of people and everybody's energy is banging up against each other and that, in these times, can really make it feel like your energy is leaking everywhere. So set the energetic boundary so that you can be present in yourself. Once you have that in place, then start poking around how you feel on the inside and how you want to feel on the inside. What are your priorities, what are your true beliefs, what are your PowerPoints? What are your PowerPoints? What are your values? You know what is important to you.
Speaker 1:Because when you've actually created the energetic boundary, something happens where, all of a sudden, everybody else isn't so loud. So you start there and I encourage you that as you create your energetic boundary, as you build that bubble around yourself, you start to chuck out things that don't align to you anymore. Even if they aligned last year, it's okay. If they don't align now, we have to welcome in the new. And how do you know? If something doesn't align to you, it doesn't feel right. In your heart there's a sense of okay, maybe I can morph myself a little bit to make that fit. Or there's a oh well, maybe I can just hold on to that a little bit longer. Now, sometimes you might have something that you're like ooh, that actually makes me feel really excited and eager and it makes me feel really expanded, but it's absolutely terrifying. So plant the seed of that within yourself and go. Okay, we're going to just explore that and keep that going, but I'm not looking at it too much yet. What I'm encouraging you to do is be curious. I'm encouraging you to go for the joy and, as you do so, feel what helps you expand your light. Now, this is how we establish ourselves as spiritual beings, because we realize that we are energy and that we can actually radiate out how we want to feel and we can actually feel that magic within ourselves.
Speaker 1:But let's introduce what my daughter was mentioning. What about divine connection? It's important to remember your connection to the divine, that you are a divine being, that you are energy, divine energy, that you are a soul, that you are a drop in a massive ocean, and that doesn't take away from the energy that is you, but it does mean that you are part of something bigger. I told my daughter when she was talking to me about this. You know we were talking about the importance of having that connection to something bigger than yourself, however you see that to be. I mean it can be the earth beneath your feet and you're feeling nourished by it, but we are part of a love system and we cannot self-generate. The energy within ourselves cannot self-generate, so it's important to plug into something greater than yourself.
Speaker 1:The energy that flows through to you is love, and that means that if you have a challenge, if you need help, if you are confused, if you need clarity, if you need more joy in your life, you can reach out back again down the pipeline to what you're plugged into. It means that there's a conversation. It means that there's a back and forth. It means that you, even if you see it as your higher self, you can communicate with something and therefore then you move out of the self-generated cycle cycle. It's a bit like a hamster wheel. You have to connect to the divine hole in order to get off the hamster wheel, because otherwise you just get caught up in your head and I've seen it happen way too often that it's hard to find the power of surrender and appreciation when you are attempting to just self-generate and only focus on your own energy and only be like oh, I just need to align my energy, I just need to make sure my chakras are aligned, I just need to make sure that I'm, you know, making sure I'm doing this, make sure I'm doing that.
Speaker 1:The pressure of that can just feel self-sabotaging. You have to let in the love, however. You want to see that as, and only you once. You have to let in the love, however, you want to see that as, and only you. Once you have energetic boundaries, will you be able to truly understand how you receive the love.
Speaker 1:Have I made this simple? Okay, let's recap. We're in brand new times. Things are being processed differently. We need to find feminine flow. We need to find a space of simplicity.
Speaker 1:You are a powerful energetic being who has purpose and this year, the key with all of that is to make sure that you have an energetic boundary so that you cool down the noise outside of you and instead you are listening within the bubble of that boundary. And as you listen to that bubble of that energy, then you are hearing who you really are, not the noise outside of you, not what you think you should be. Who you really are and who you really are is a divine light, and that divine light is connected in part of a bigger light. So why wouldn't you tap into the inner light, the bigger light, in order to amplify and illuminate the inner light? Are we there, maybe?
Speaker 1:I want to try to keep this simple for you, because the truth of the matter is is that we have to start changing the way we function. The reaching has to stop, the being has to happen, the trying has to stop, the allowing has to happen, has to stop, the allowing has to happen. If there's anything in this entire episode that is what I want to amplify, it's that no more trying. How about allowing? Because the trying is always forcing the little corners to make it work, but instead give yourself permission to stretch and allow, even if January is just about the unfolding, the unfurling of your wings.
Speaker 1:I was in the Energy Reset Circle chat the other day and I was like you know, I'm just January is my month of unfurling and I just loved the way that sounded. It just felt so good to be exploring, expanding my wings, unfurling them, going. What are these? How do they look now? What have they grown into? Who am I becoming? Let's get curious. Let's stretch. Let's get curious, let's stretch. Let's allow difference, let's allow growth rather than needing to keep things compressed into themselves, because we've been doing things the same way for millennia and it is time, in this age of Aquarius, to expand out to a deeper understanding of beingness and to know that when you radiate out as yourself, you manifest differently, because suddenly you're manifesting from who you really are and what you came to be, and that's a whole lot better than just wanting the nice car. It's a time for deep satisfaction and deep fulfillment and deep joy. And it might not seem it when you look at the world around you, but then look at the world within you. But then look at the world within you, let your light and that fulfilling sense of who you are guide your actions. That is how we show up whole.
Speaker 1:We talk about big things here and it's sometimes hard to find the language to fit those. Because that's okay, because we're not talking about things that really belong in the head. We talk about things that belong in the heart, and that's why sometimes I tell people just go read fiction, because fiction will correspond immediately to your heart. Stories respond to your heart. Maybe I need to tell more stories on the podcast. Stories respond to your heart. You immediately understand the emotion behind them. Our heads not so much Our heads try to understand things that are way too big for it.
Speaker 1:So rather than turning off this podcast and trying to figure out what the heck I'm talking about, I want to encourage you to actually just look outside.
Speaker 1:Go outside for a walk or sit quietly after this is finished.
Speaker 1:Put your hands on your heart and allow yourself to be there, your heart, and allow yourself to be there.
Speaker 1:Invite in your guides, your angels, your source, and ask yourself to recognize who you really are outside the noise, and then that is what we're talking about. I'm sending you all my deepest love and light for your year, for your month, for your week. I want to send out a special love and light and care and blessings to everyone who is currently in some state of distress, especially Los Angeles, which has been horrifying to watch, but other parts of the world too, because we are all connected and as we radiate out as who we are, then the idea is that that light then can support others. So sending all my love and light and blessings. Also a side note, because next week I have an incredible interview for you, so make sure you tap in. Prune Harris is coming back on and we talk about energy and brand new ways. You're going to be seeing a lot of different, brand new ways of discussing things, I think, over the coming months, so let's dive in. And if I haven't told you already, happy New Year.