Showing Up Whole

Unlocking Energy Anatomy: Understanding Vibrational Healing with Prune Harris

Christina Fletcher/Prune Harris Season 5 Episode 2

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In today's episode renowned energy expert Prune Harris returns to Showing Up Whole, to join Christina in  a powerful discussion about Energy Anatomy, offering a fresh perspective on how understanding our vibrational components can lead to enhanced well-being.
Prune draws powerful parallels between energy anatomy and the physiology of the human body, highlighting the significance of chakras, auras, and energy channels in fostering balance and harmony within our systems, discussing how to apply simple energy practices to navigate a rapidly changing world.

Prune and Christina discuss the concept of our energetic core, a profound connection between the universe and the earth, which houses our essential soul energy. Prune shares insights on how historical narratives of separation have shaped our understanding of self, encouraging a shift toward new stories that illuminate our core essence.
As the transformative energy of 2025 approaches, she discusses the critical role of self-alignment and awareness in fostering personal growth and contributing to global transformation.

In this episode you will learn how:

• Energy anatomy as a framework for understanding wellness 
• Importance of grounding for emotional stability 
• The interconnectedness of various energy systems 
• Establishing and maintaining energetic boundaries 
• Introduction of Prune's Energy Anatomy course  
• Fostering hope and authenticity through energetic practices

Prune Harris is an energy expert, British shaman and soul activist who has been able to see energy since she was born.
A passionate educator, Prune teaches in-person and online courses with a primary objective of sharing her knowledge and insights around energy to empower individuals, families, community groups and corporations to rediscover their health, soul-purpose and inspiration for life. 

She is the author of 3 books including bestseller, Your Radiant Soul; Understand your energy to transform your world. 
For more information on Prune's new course, Energy Anatomy, visit here.
or visit her website

Christina Fletcher is a Spiritual Alignment coach, energy worker, author, speaker and host of the podcast Showing Up Whole.
She specialises in practical spirituality and integrating inner work with outer living, so you can get self development off of the hobby shelf and integrated as a powerful fuel to your life.

Through mindset, spiritual connection, intuitive guidance, manifestation, and mindfulness techniques Christina helps her clients overcome overwhelm and shame to find a place of flow, ease, and deep heart-centered connection.
Christina has been a spiritual alignment coach, healer and spiritually aware parent coach for 7 years and trained in Therapeutic Touch 8 years ago. She is also a meditation teacher and speaker.
For more information please visit her website

Want to uncover where you need the most energy alignment?
Take her new Energy Alignment Quiz to identify which of your energetic worlds (mind, body, heart or spirit) needs aligning the most!

Or Follow her on her social media accounts:

Speaker 1:

Hello everybody and welcome back to Showing Up Whole the place where we discuss alignment in mind, body, heart and spirit in every aspect of our lives. And I am overjoyed to welcome back Prune Harris with us, who is going to be talking about her new program, as well as diving into energy anatomy as we explore the wonders of making up who we really are, just as a reminder, able to see energy. Since she was born, prune Harris is an energy expert, a British shaman and soul activist. A passionate educator, prune teaches in-person and online courses with a primary objective of sharing her knowledge and insights around energy to empower individuals, families, community groups and corporations. To empower individuals, families, community groups and corporations to rediscover their health, soul, purpose and inspiration for life.

Speaker 1:

She's the author of three books, including the bestseller your Radiant Soul Understand your Energy to Transform your World, which I highly recommend. Now let us dive in and we'll talk energy with Prune Harris. Let us dive in and we'll talk energy with Prune Harris. Hello, prune, hi, yes, it is such a joy to have you back on here and to hear about your new course. As soon as I heard about it, I was like.

Speaker 2:

Oh yes, I have to know all. Thanks, Christina. Thanks for inviting me back in so that we can chat together.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, it's wonderful to talk with you. So I have to say I got the you know the blurb about the course and I went energy anatomy what a what a phenomenally in-depth space to begin. It makes you so inquisitive and questioning of actually exploring what that is, cause I think we have a tendency it's the energy of energy. You know. Energy is like oh yeah, you're an energetic self and I'm really tired of everyone kind of, you know, taking things for granted. We have a tendency to take things for granted and as soon as I read Energy Anatomy, it felt like you were doing a deep dive of what people need. And can you just further into that? Like, what is your energy anatomy that makes it sound so much more complex than just, yeah, energy.

Speaker 2:

Maybe complex, but also simple. I mean, we know our own human physiology and anatomy, don't we? We could say, oh, we have a circulation system and a respiratory system. We could understand that we have muscles and bones. So, in knowing that we're able to, if we have an ailment, if we are thinking about how to nourish ourselves or look after ourselves, we have a kind of framework of understanding of what our physical body needs. So, for example, we might be able to say, ah, you know, I want to make sure I avoid osteoporosis when I'm older, when I'm going through the menopause, and so therefore I know that I need to have good vitamin D and calcium as I go through my life.

Speaker 2:

Like all of these understandings are so deeply wired in our mainstream culture and therefore in our education programs, in the information we share with our friends. So we have a really easy house now for comprehending and understanding the physicality of our body. And, of course, the ancients. Maybe they didn't know the details that we could now describe it in, but they could certainly have shared the whole physiology or anatomy of your energetics as well. So when we think of something like the chakras, yeah, we can say, ah, that's part of our energy anatomy. If we think of the aura, ah, that's part of our energy anatomy. So in some ways, the term energy anatomy is exactly what it says. It looks at the different component parts of our entire whole energy field and it helps. You know, one of the things about always being able to see energy is number one.

Speaker 2:

No matter how we break down these energy anatomy aspects, we're still one interrelated, interconnective, utterly whole form, aren't we? We can't say, oh, I'm just going to take my circulation system offline for a while, I'm just going to take it out of my body. No, it doesn't work like that. Everything has to interconnect. Well, it's the same with our energy anatomy.

Speaker 2:

So what I wanted to do in bringing this course together was really share the different vibrational components, many of which we'll all be familiar with Aura, chakra, your heart field, this amazing electromagnetic energy that we have, the elemental rhythms of your body, the amazing energy channels that we have, those channels of communication and connection. We may know them as the meridian bodies and then also that deepest, most sacred part of ourselves, the energetic core, which, of course, the chakras are. They go all the way down into our dantians, live within those powerful energy centers we connect into the sun star above our head, the earth star beneath our feet. All of these are things that the ancients would have very, very well understood and understood their component parts and how to activate that big template of health that's always being communicated through our energy anatomy, so it feels well, let's get back to that. Let's get back to understanding these different vibrational aspects, how they interconnect, and the really simple practices that we can do to enhance and activate them into their biggest health.

Speaker 1:

This is so exciting because in so many ways, it feels like we had that knowledge. And you're right, we do talk chakras, we do talk auras. These are common terms, but in my experience, when you actually talk about it with people, there's a tendency to stumble over the understanding of the inner and the outer. It's like everyone tries to blend it all together. It's like, oh well, your energy flows through you and then from you and then expands out from you. There's visuals that sometimes get lost to people and it's like they're trying to logically break it down. So, by breaking it down into different sections, you're right, it is like your circulatory system or your lymphatic system Like it does. Actually, you don't blend those, you easily give them each a job and therefore then you know that they're working on the whole.

Speaker 2:

So, therefore, to expand it out, to see each one of those parts as working together, but individual those parts as working together, but individual, would you say that each energetic system has its own job, totally, totally, and each system has its independent vibration, independent, independent job, but it's all in service of the whole. And I think that's really key, like for me when I watch the energy systems doing their amazing, amazing, dynamic dance of communication, because I think maybe it's a good thing to remind us all that energy is communication. Yeah, that's it's, that's its purpose. The energy around us communicates to us all the time. Us, as an energy field, communicates to the energy all around us, we're bringing in this continual exchange of communication and through that communication we are informed, yeah, which literally means we are forming. Yeah, to be informed is to form, isn't it To form slightly differently because of that exchange. So our energy is in service to us forming, to us becoming.

Speaker 2:

We could say, and for me, the way I would understand our energy is it's in service to us becoming more and more us. So your energy field is in service to you becoming more you, whatever that means, in your bigness, in your fullness, in the potential of your own magnificence. Same for my energy field, same for every single energy field. And of course, each of us then become part of that collective whole, the emergence of not just our human world but the world in large, and even the emergence of the cosmos.

Speaker 2:

So suddenly we get, you know, we could go down to um, we could go down to a single cell that's alive with electromagnetic energy, and maybe that cell is a cell in the heart, in the actual heart organ. So okay, we've got a single cell in a heart. That cell is moving because of electromagnetic energy. It's also got that subtle energy from our soul, from our energetic core. It's sitting in the organ of the heart, which has energy channels moving through to and from it, sending information. It's sitting within the heart chakra. It's also deeply connected to the middle dantian and it's pulsing a rhythm that will be independent and specific to the elemental rhythms in our life. That's one sound. Now we've got 30 trillion of them, all of them doing their own dance, all held together by this amazing energetic coding template.

Speaker 1:

That's exciting to me. It is exciting, well, it means that you become an individual universe in many ways when you actually see all of that dance happening within yourself. There's a cosmic dance happening within yourself. I'm curious because I actually want to just touch on something that I think you mentioned in answer to a question that I had thought in my head, but I just want to bring it to the forefront that your core energetic system is that, the seed of the soul. Well, because there's, yeah to expand on that. I guess it's just if we, if all of these systems, are doing this dance to get information to expand as who we really are, then the question comes as what is the soul energy of who we really are? Because in a lot of ways, the essence of that energy is still who we really are, yeah, so at a certain point that becomes a little bit vague of who, who, where, where is us? Or is there an us? Oh, if you really want to go deep, but yes, where?

Speaker 2:

is us. For me, energetically, that's actually really simple, christina. We have this energetic core and it moves right through the center of our body system. So we have think of the chakras, think of that midline. We have that energetic core. At the top of that core there's the sun star. At the bottom there's the earth star. In the center is the heart. So that energetic core houses that deepest, most essential energy, and by that I mean that essence energy, which we could certainly call soul energy.

Speaker 2:

As it's housed, it's manifest in containment. So we have this information coming in from above, information coming in from below. We're exchanging information through those places to exchanging energy. Remember, information is energy. So we have this information coming in and out, but it's housed within our own contained energy field. So if we've got the visual and if it's difficult, look at my website.

Speaker 2:

I've worked with an artist for years to create really deep visuals of what our energy is doing. So we've got this containment through the auric membrane, through the very edge of our aura. So if I look at my skin right now, I'm very grateful for my skin. It's keeping my body in, isn't it? Yeah, if we decided to go out today without our skin, it would be very, very messy. So my skin is keeping my physicality contained. Well, our auric membrane does exactly the same for our energy field.

Speaker 2:

So we've got this place of containment of individuality, containment of, for me, as I would see and describe it the way that our individual and unique soul connects with and is part of the world soul.

Speaker 2:

So in that when we say the question, where is our soul, where is the seat of it, for me it's bringing a level of um separation or distinction that doesn't exist. I would say that our body is marinated in that soul, that core, essential energy which we could say is um. I think of that as the core soul that emanates out through every other part of us, and that's our radiant soul. It's the same energy. It's just moving now through every part, every interconnective part of our energy, recognizing that our body, our physicality is energy in its densest form. So there's no separation between matter and energy. It's the same thing. That's something that our science has been telling us for a very, very long time now. So I think that's that place of every thought is imbued with that soul energy, that soul information, every action, every feeling, every organ, every breath. So we can't distinguish or separate that soul energy radiating out through all. We are being housed in our core, connecting up down through the heart. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

That's beautifully put. I guess, in a lot of ways, if you see the core energy of yourself rather than the physical presence of, maybe where that is, it's a question of what that is, because if we're using energy as information across an information exchange between, say, the world around you, the universe around you, the earth around you, if you look, then it's like that's the point of one information and then the information transfers to your core energetic self. Then that is the soul self to receive that other information and exchange it back. If that's kind of as as I guess that's what I was looking for is like what is the other end of the information exchange, because we're receiving it as our core selves rather than just being the information itself.

Speaker 2:

If energy is information, I guess, yeah, that makes sense yeah, I think it's that that place of you energy, always informing us and the cosmos at the same time. So, when energy comes in through my sun star, through your sun star, into our independent energetic cause, it informs it and it moves through it and it exchanges. And then, of course, it goes out through our Earth star and into the Earth, simultaneously, receiving information from our Earth into the Earth star, coming into the core, exchanging information, helping create that sense of emergence, that continual renewal that we're always exchanging in moving through into the sun star, up out through our aura, our aura, simultaneously is bringing in other energy fields. So, yeah, if we think about the old story of separation, we begin to understand that it has been a very damaging myth for only a few hundred years, and before that we had far greater understandings.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, no, for sure, for sure. You know, the past stories are now emerging into new stories and we are in kind of a changing world energetically, and I do think that this course that you're creating is such an important thing to have going into this. Well, honestly, this new year, you know, 2025 has a very interesting energy to it and it does feel like I know personally. What I've been feeling is is that it's important that every person understands who they are, that they find alignment within their who they are. And I wanted to just draw back to something that you mentioned about your, your containment, your self-containment.

Speaker 1:

Just like your skin, I'm assuming you mean like the auric presence. So your auric field it's something that always comes up when I've been talking with my clients is like energetic boundaries. So, rather than feeling like you have to protect yourself from the world outside of you, if you set your energetic boundaries so that your energetic space is in place, then you stand in your own radiance. It feels like more than ever, it's really important that everyone understands that. So can you kind of talk a little bit about what that state of presence feels like and how we can actually create that, because it feels like so many people are scared right now of what's coming in. So what is the relationship of the auric field with fear and the world outside of you if that?

Speaker 2:

yeah, yeah, thank you for for saying that. I do feel it's a very, um important course at this point. Um, I agree that we are in we're in deeply challenging times right now, aren't we? And, um, one of the things that really grounds me in that trust of what we can all co-create together is the place that right now, there are millions and millions, if not billions, of people who are working consciously to really be part of a greater healing, a greater place of inclusivity, of balance, of compassion and love. And somehow, when we see our mainstream media, that's not the story that we hear at all, and we can feel very isolated in our own intention, in our own hope, in our own desire to bring something forward into the world, into our life, into our families, into our communities. That is part of that balance, part of that co-creation of, of compassion, of connection. So for me, putting this course together, I want it to be easily accessible to everybody, to empower. However, it is that they are working in their world, in their life, because that place of when we think energetically, one of the key factors that's so important for that radiance of energy, that emanation of energy that supports our auric field, is groundedness, and groundedness is something that has been talked about for decades now and still yet we go around very often ungrounded. So, understanding the energetics of that, understanding that we ground down as we bring information out of our body system, we release a lot of toxicity, we really help lower our energy systems in through that Earth star, into that great sense of the abundant safety, the deep belonging of the earth. But we also ground up, of course. It's impossible to have a grounding down without a grounding up, otherwise we're kind of a short circuit. We're short circuiting our own energy system. So we have to be able to allow that electromagnetic flow from above to below, from below to above, and to activate and move through every single cell of our body, because it's that electromagnetic activation that actually generates an aura.

Speaker 2:

When we're not grounded, our aura is compromised. Simple as that. I've never seen somebody and by this time I don't know how many people I've seen in my life millions upon millions, I suspect to age 51. I've never seen anyone with an abundant resilient aura. If they're not grounded it's not possible. So through the grounding we activate our electromagnetic fields. Those electromagnetic fields the strength of your aura is dependent on the vitality of your cells, that electromagnetic emanation coming from your body system. So that's a really important starting point, um, and when we're frightened, when we're anxious, when we're feeling overwhelmed, then we're much less likely to be grounded at that point. Otherwise, quite frankly, we wouldn't be feeling the fear, the overwhelm, the anxiety.

Speaker 2:

So it's, you know, there's a self-perpetuating spiral of unbalance and there's a self-perpetuating spiral of balance. So the more grounded we are, grounded in ourselves, grounded in our truth, grounded in our capacity for connection, for compassion, not grounded in ego, not grounded through fear or arrogance, but grounded in the deeper parts of our energy system, then our aura does its job. We don't have to work to do that. The aura does its job is to act as that amazing field of protection and connection, bringing in what your soul needs for its deep emergence and keeping out what your soul does not need for its deep emergence. We don't have to pay attention to our aura, it does its job.

Speaker 2:

That's the beauty of our energy anatomy, remember I said it's all in service to us becoming so, we can scramble and try and put all kinds of level of protection in, but if we're not in that deep place of groundedness, it's a bit like shoring up a wall when the water's trying to flood it. You know you're continually working there and you don't have the energy to really be attending to experiencing joy or experiencing goodness. Why am I here? What's my work to do and how am I going to nourish myself to do it?

Speaker 1:

Are you tired of sifting through all of the tools and spiritual practices all on your own? The spiritual path can sometimes feel isolating, and yet it is your own unique journey that only you can take. But what if you could have a supportive, loving community with weekly focuses, uplifting and spiritually connecting meditations and energy healings at the very start of your week to support you on that journey? This is exactly what I provide for you in my Energy Reset Circle membership program. Every Sunday, members gather at 4 pm Eastern, 9 pm British Time for a weekly focus, a meditation and a group healing. No worries if you can't make it live, though, as the replay is sent out directly afterwards, as well as stored in your member portal. You also get access to the loving chat on WhatsApp, where you can ask questions, vent or request space from the members there to be held for any challenges in your life. You even get free access to all of my workshops included in your membership and, starting in 2025, courses and extra videos will be added to the portal on a regular basis, so you can tap in when you really need to. Gathering from all corners of the world and from all backgrounds, the fundamental intention within the group is love and support. There's no judgment, no criticism. Advice is only shared when asked for. Rather, it's about your journey being fully supported. You will feel loved and cared for as you walk your path. The focuses, tools and practices I share are intentionally created to support your day-to-day. There's no pressure, no stress, just love. Currently, this magical place is actually only $27 a month, but as of early January, the cost has increased to $47 a month. Don't worry, if you join now, your price won't change. So come join us over at the Energy Reset Circle. Check the link in the show notes or come visit spirituallyawarelivingcom for more information. I hope to see you soon.

Speaker 1:

I love this conversation so much because grounding is something that everyone's talking about. But, to actually use the image that comes to mind when you're speaking like this, it's almost like in a superhero movie or something where they put themselves in kind of a vacuum, sealed space and you kind of feel like zipped up. You can feel the kind of suction created once you ground where you. Actually it's airtight, it means that it is solid, it means that you are safe to be within your space because nothing can penetrate that. And you know, when you think of the conversations we have in different fields, of protection, of keeping things out of the scramble that's out there, of people even even oh well, I'll moderate what information I let in, or I'll change this story and it makes you feel so constricted, it makes you feel like everyone's energy fields are closing in on themselves as they try to hold on to any parts of themselves that they can't.

Speaker 1:

The idea of just being able to ground and make sure that you're in your space. You can feel this openness, you can feel this expansive energy where it's like well, I'm just me, I'm grounded, my systems are well in place. It's fine. Just to clarify, though, for anyone listening when you're talking grounding, you're not just talking earthing, because this is a conversation that seems to be coming up all the time, and I have people come to me and be like well, I can't really ground because it's winter and my feet are get really cold, and it's like no, it's not. It's not just earthing, it's really where attention goes. Energy flows. It is a question of actually doing the practices. So what would be something that and maybe this is in your course, I'm sure it is, but in in a sense of grounding? For example, what would be a simple grounding technique that you would suggest?

Speaker 2:

well, um, there are many, many, many and many of us will already be working with them, won't we? My question always is the ones we're working with. Are they working for us? Do we always feel resilient? Do we always feel held in the capacity of safety? Do we always feel that we can access our creative, connective energy rather than our habitual or reactive energy? And if the answer is no to any of that, then whatever we're doing to ground isn't working for us, is it? And I think that's one of the key things because we've inherited centuries where energetic understandings haven't been interconnective. There's something that's almost been outside of ourselves that we've tried to merge within a mainstream, more reductionist worldview, but it's been very, very difficult. So we end up kind of working with practices that maybe are wonderful for us, but we are not able to be our own energy detective. Always we're not able to assess before and after a practice, and that's one thing I always recommend Check in, how are you feeling?

Speaker 2:

So let's do a little practice together, but literally before we do it, let's just check in how. The questions I would ask would be well, how stable do you feel right now? How joyful do you feel? How much energy do you feel like you have in your body, what's your vitality level? So, from that place of curiosity, let's do a very, very simple practice. We're going to take our fingers, we're going to cross our arms over our chest, place our fingers in the armpit and just allow your thumbs to rest on your chest and from here, just taking a moment to relax into your body system, just welcome yourself home.

Speaker 2:

Maybe today you've been in deep communication with yourself, with your inner self, and maybe today's been a rushing day where you really haven't been. So just take a moment here to welcome yourself home and maybe let's take three breaths. Take three breaths. You're working very deeply, energetically, bringing a crossover into the heart field, the heart center, the middle dantian. You're supporting the lung, the heart and heart protector meridians. You're activating your extraordinary energy channels. You're enhancing the electromagnetic field of your heart and in doing so, your capacity to ground will be coming into every one of your trillions of sounds.

Speaker 2:

One more full breath here and then relax your hands and again be your own energy detective. Just check in with yourself. Do you feel any more energized? Do you feel any more joyful or resilient? And never any expectation of a yes answer here. Really important that we get to inquire deeply and truthfully, because it's through that way that we really learn the practices that are always going to help us. When you've done that little exploration of how you are and how that energy practice maybe affected you, then you can return your attention to the here and now. How did that feel to you, christina? Oh, wonderful.

Speaker 1:

You know that wonderful feeling when you feel yourself rise up to yourself. It's almost like your field becomes happy. You know it's like, oh yeah, finally you're doing it. You can feel the communication to your mind of your parts of you going oh yeah, thanks, okay, yeah, that's good, I'm glad you did that, but there's an approval rate. I find that my soul has a tendency to bump up against them like, yes, that's what we needed, thank you.

Speaker 1:

So that I think it's a fascinating thing how I mean, even on a personal level and anyone on my podcast knows that I've been occasionally talking about it on a personal level that I've been in a deep transition over this last year. Unfortunately, the story of when and I say this because I know a lot of people are in the same space when you start telling the stories of, oh, it's been a year, or oh, there's been a lot going on, or oh, there's a lot of transition, you can feel your energy start to deplete and it's amazing when all of a sudden you do a practice like that, you can feel yourself seal up in that that auric space where you can feel yourself fill out and you almost think your energy field almost responds to you of saying really are you, are you done with that story yet? Like, really, I've been doing this work, it's actually totally fine. I don't know why you're depleting yourself so much, but there does seem to be that you can. You remove the traffic and, and you know, often when you think about energy work and doing these self practices, you can easily think of it.

Speaker 1:

I know, personally, I do. It's like energy hygiene we brush our teeth, you do your grounding, but you're right, it can become routine and I think the key of actually observing yourself is such an important thing. You mentioned that there's a lot of different practices for grounding and a lot of different practices to align. Do these change because of individual growth, or is the collective energy or cosmic energy that's expanding and growing change, and so therefore, we need to adjust our practices to kind of keep up with our own expansion.

Speaker 2:

I think the question becomes like where is the imbalance holding in our system if, if we have this template of health that is truly a template of health, not of unhealth or disease or anything else, this template of health that is truly a template of health, not of unhealth or disease or anything else, a template of health that is deeply coded in every single part of our energy system, which therefore means every part of who and what we are that's always looking to be expressed in its fullness, then why have we got old stories? Why have we got these places of ungroundedness or anxiety or frustration or depletion or whatever it is? And it's out of the wisdom, it's out of the wisdom of our body system, out of the wisdom of our energy system. If we think about the fact that all of our energy moves in interconnective, healthy flows and patterns, and then something occurs in our life that knocks us off in some way. We experience people laughing at us at school, we experience parents that we can't be our authentic selves with, or we experience times when we don't have safety, we experience times of trauma. So in those times, our energy system works from deep, deep wisdom to adjust and keep us alive. Yeah, that in itself, that place of fight, flight, freeze, that place of adapting in order to survive, deeply necessary and in healthy families, communities, cultures we would be, housed, held, nurtured, to come back into full healing.

Speaker 2:

Oftentimes, of course, that doesn't happen in our modern world. Oftentimes, of course, that doesn't happen in our modern world. Instead, that survival pattern that we had to move in, had begins to be more and more how we express ourselves, how we experience the world around us. So now those energetic patterns adjust and it's like, okay, maybe you learned that you, um, you couldn't trust in love. So, as that energetic patterning moves through your heart chakra, it's not in full expression of itself, it's working. You're alive, that's great. You're surviving, but you're not thriving, you're not yet back in your fullness of healing. So then, when you do a practice like we just did, that heart hug, your energy can connect through the places of space or congestion. There's only two ways we ever are out of balance energetically. There's balance or there's depletion or excess of energy. That's the only things that can happen. So let's say you've learned not to trust. There's a depletion of energy somewhere coded in that heart field. Now you do a practice, a simple one that you understand as you do it will be helping support flow through that heart field. Amazing, as you hold it, whether you are holding intention or not, as you hold it, you're providing the physical and old survival patterns that came up in biggest wisdom, in biggest wisdom. I think that's really important to say.

Speaker 2:

So often we talk about self-sabotaging. Oh, my goodness, if I could wipe that word away from the healing field, I would do Because there's truly no such thing. I've never seen anybody make a bad choice. If they felt it was a real choice, yeah, we do not decide. Oh, I'm going to act with all of the potentials in front of me. I'm going to actively choose to live out a limiting pattern. Now, no, we don't.

Speaker 2:

We always make the choice towards wholeness, towards health, if it's a real choice. So if it's not a real choice, it's because our energy fields haven't remembered how to come back into balance. They're always looking to do so, but they can't quite get that. So when we give them pathways, whether that's through meditation, whether it's through yoga, whether it's through Pilates, whether it's through whatever, whether it's doing laughing with friends yeah, when we give them potential pathways, they remember and come back into health.

Speaker 2:

And that's what the beauty of these simple practices are, because you mentioned that gorgeous understanding of energetic hygiene, those little tweaks that we make, just like the little tweaks we make in brushing our hair or cleaning our teeth or having showers, when, when we, let's say, you have an energetic pattern of being ungrounded and that has been for 35 years, and you do one practice and then you're surprised that you're not grounded the next day, well, it's because your patterning needs to relearn and what I've observed is often it takes 30 to 40 days, not necessarily having to do the practice every day, but of regular remembering, regular reminding of your energy system. Hey, here's the healthy pattern. Oh, wow, now it begins to pick up that healthy pattern. So my energy anatomy course is that length of time. It's a six week course because as we move through that timing we're reminding our whole body system ah, this is the way towards health and balance. This is the pattern that I haven't been able to move through for a while.

Speaker 1:

Um, long answer to your question no, no, what comes up to me like it was a beautiful description, because, honestly, what comes up to me, which is something that's really important, I think, for people to hear, is how it's training your mind to observe and be kind to yourself, and that in all in that answer, I find that it's such a profound shift where so many people, like you said it's like the self sabotaging, these stories that we tell ourselves, the criticism of like why can't I just align, why can't I ground, whereas instead and it's no wonder that you it's it's a wise decision to make your course, that length of time, because of course, we need that time to make the neural pathways, as well as the patternings, the neural pathways of observing yourself and becoming. It's almost what's the term I'm looking for. It's like you become a park ranger of your own energetic field, where you're observing yourself. Your mind is actually observing your field, asking what it needs. How is it feeling?

Speaker 1:

Asking over the last like, maybe decade, maybe everyone talks about, oh, your brain is not your friend, right? Like these are the kind of things that we start talking about. The stories of like well, trust your heart, not your head. There's this tendency to villainize the actual brain and instead, what I love is listening to you talk about this. It's reminding you that your brain is actually your friend. It's just there, trying to keep balance. So, therefore, give it its job. Give it the job of observing the system as a whole and becoming a stage manager, rather than letting it run away with you. Because how often does negative chatter feed it? Like what is the negative chatter feeding into your system? It's just collapsing your field. From what I'm hearing, yeah for sure.

Speaker 2:

I mean. It's so fascinating, isn't it? Your brain is energy, your heart is energy. It's not a separate energy field, it's interconnected.

Speaker 2:

So I think, as I listen to you sharing your wisdom there, Christina, what comes to me is that if we could ask the question how am I today? How am I today? What do I need to be me today? And I mean me in my big, in my fullness, in my balance, in my health what do I need to be me? How do I nurture that need today?

Speaker 2:

So we play that deep and sacred role of being our own sacred witness. And so we don't then think, oh, the brain is this, or the heart is that, or I have to work more from one to the other. We recognize ourselves as a great field of wholeness and from that place, suddenly, we feel the ground beneath our feet in a different way. We feel the stars, the moon, the sun above our head in a different way. We take our place in that great you said the words a cosmic dance. We take that place as an essential dancer within that cosmic dance and understanding, compassion towards self, which therefore means the capacity for compassion towards others, starts to sing through every part of our own energy field yeah, yeah, it, it, oh.

Speaker 1:

When you can compare that reality, reality, when you compare that perception versus the perpetuated concept of this scary, constrictive, victimizing world that makes you feel so tight and small, which is so many people's perspective right now. That's what so many people are experiencing. When you allow yourself to ground and expand your field so that you are present in yourself and you truly are claiming your place, it brings in so much hope and openness and flow, and everything has deeper meaning, doesn't it it? Just, it means that you ground into a totally different sense of reality.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah absolutely, and I love that you bring that word hope forward, because that's one of the really big themes, isn't it? How do we tend to our hope? Yes, how do we tend to our hope? Yes, how do we tend to our courage? How do we tend to the tenderness within us that, when we experience or witness some of the sadnesses, sufferings, harshnesses in our world right now, for so many people I think just about everybody listening to your great podcast will be empaths, will be high sensitives. So, actually, how do we tend to that hope? How do we tend to our hearts so that we can show up in our fullness and in our light, in our joy, in our compassion? How do we nurture that seed of hope, hope, that seed of connectivity that's at the center of everything that we are?

Speaker 1:

it is absolutely. And how do we not minimize the power of that hope? It feels like just as when we started the podcast, I was like, oh well, energy. You know, people see energy and they kind of people take things for granted and it's time to infuse deeper meaning and deeper importance into these things that seem minimized, like people trivialize something as hope and it's like hope is such a powerful, unlimited potential of an energetic field, like the power of hope is is means that you know you cannot stay in that constricted space of fear. If you have hope, it's transformational.

Speaker 1:

So it's time that we bring new importance into those small words and actually allow it to flow through you. All right, as you know, I could talk to you forever and ever and ever and ever, because it's just such a joy, but I want to make sure everyone knows your course. I want to make sure that they sign up for your course, because it is definitely what's needed in the world for today, this year, forevermore. So they find it on your website. Do you want to just give a little bit of more information about it, of how that all works? Yeah, thanks, christina.

Speaker 2:

It is definitely one of my joyful missions is to help people understand their energy to transform their world, but our world. So I love that we're having that conversation about hope hope for our individual lives, hope for our health, hope for our radiance, our vitality, and because, then, of the vibration that we are as an individual, we're changing that vibration in the entire world. That's what lights me up.

Speaker 2:

Me too that vibration in the entire world. That's what lights me up me too. My course is um, called your energy anatomy discover and activate your six energy systems for health, resilience and vitality. Exactly as we've been talking and, yes, you can find it at my website, pruneharriscom, and I'm really excited about it uh, when I was building this course, there's six modules. We look at each of the six energy systems and work with understandings around them, how they interconnect and also the.

Speaker 2:

So you get to begin to be that energy tracker and think, oh, you know, maybe you wake up one morning and you've got brain fog that will be very common to many of us and you think, oh, man, I can't think. Today, that sort of fogginess is there and you can immediately understand oh, hang on, so there's a congestion of energy in that space around my brain field right now. Right, well then that's something to do with the electromagnetics. So, yeah, let's do a simple hookup into the electromagnetic fields of the governing and central meridians. So I'm going to place one hand on the forehead, one hand on the gut. Let me just take some breaths here. Yeah, that's good, that's moved it quite a lot. But actually, oh, let me bring that hand to the heart. Oh yeah, now I've got it. That brain fog's cleared. Good, maybe let's do some lemniscates around the eyes just to really seal in that healthy pattern. Yeah, it's clear, I can get on with my day now and then you get out of bed so being able to really understand that um, being able to track your energy so that you you know which tweaks to bring in um.

Speaker 2:

So, as I was building it, it was going to be a six week course and you know, looking at all of the costings of it, it should be about $500. But I know that makes it non accessible to many people at that price and I want it to be accessible. So it's under $100. And I really hope that that means that anyone who wants to can access it. I always give scholarships for any of my online courses as well.

Speaker 2:

I run a B Corp. My business is a B Corp, which means I've gone through a really rigorous process to ensure that my business is always a force for good, because otherwise, of course, it wouldn't be a healing force in the world. So I always have 10% of any of my courses have scholarships for them, and I really want this course to be accessible to everyone, because if we are going to change the narrative, if we are going to actually really empower our kids ourselves, our colleagues, our families, to show up in their fullness to be part of the what I would consider to be the great healing of where we're at as a human collective right now, if we're going to hold our resilience in connectivity, in joy, then for me these understandings need to be mainstream, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

I 100% agree. Just for the fine tuning of it, is it a self-led course or is it being? Is it those six weeks are you held in?

Speaker 2:

So it's a mixture of video teachings and beautiful illustrated handouts and then also live classes. So there's three live classes within the six weeks so that we can really deep dive into more understandings, and also I can answer questions and bring forward whatever needs to be brought forward within the field of the group as well.

Speaker 1:

I can't wait. You will see me there. That is absolutely fantastic. Well, I can't encourage people enough to take part in this, because you're right, this is what's needed, and if I keep saying that, you know, in a different world we need to do, do things differently, and this is the path of how to do things differently. You cannot stand by as as a passive observer to the world that we are in, and self-alignment and inner alignment that's the key to actually changing the world. So, thank you so much for your course, thank you so much for your work and thank you so much for talking with me today, because, yes, you're such a joy, such but a great way to start the year.

Speaker 2:

Thanks for inviting me. A real, real joy to chat with you.

Speaker 1:

Thank you and have a beautiful new year, by the way, bye.